ChallengeId 4846980
Title TOURNAMENT MATCH: Candiv(102663) vs Osolemirnix(332918)
AttackerId 102663
DefenderId 332918
Created 2014-07-13 00:03:03
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 102663

AutoHeal: Candiv uses 14 Ap for healing 27 damage
AutoHeal: Osolemirnix uses 25 Ap for healing 49 damage
Candiv has 500 hidden fame bonus from being a 5 times Legend !!
Osolemirnix has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Candiv delivers a flesh-rending Chop across Osolemirnix's chest for 1! The tremendous impact echoes throughout the arena! WOOOOOO!

Osolemirnix makes Shooting Star Press for 6 damage.

Osolemirnix gets ready. he's setting Candiv up. Osolemirnix lifts Candiv up across his shoulders, then applies pressure to Candiv's neck and leg, bending him backwards in an Argentine Back Breaker for 7! He's trying to snap him in half!
The submission fails.

Candiv is choking Osolemirnix for 2 damage, but the ref breaks it up!
He was flailing like a madman!

Candiv is down... Osolemirnix climbs the ropes and leaps with his arms out to the side and buries his head into Candiv's chest with a Diving Headbutt for 16!

Candiv makes Heel Kick for 4 damage.

Osolemirnix makes Pile Driver for 5 damage.

Candiv executes a crushing BOOB SMOTHER for 15! If this continues any longer, Osolemirnix could suffer some serious kidney damage!
The submission fails.

In the middle of an exchange of blows Candiv quickly counters, capturing Osolemirnix's arm and driving him to the mat. He traps Osolemirnix's arm between his legs, locks his own hands across Osolemirnix's face, and begins to tug and pull back with all his might for 4! This Crossface is locked in tight!
The submission fails.

Osolemirnix deftly maneuvers himself behind Candiv and locks him into control with an expertly applied Chicken Wing for 7!
Candiv slips out of the move.

Osolemirnix puts Candiv into a pin!



but Candiv kicks out of it!

Candiv makes Flying neck snap for 9 damage.

Candiv makes Snap Suplex for 3 damage.

Osolemirnix makes Snake Eyes for 3 damage.

Candiv makes Forearm Smash for 3 damage.

Osolemirnix thrusts Candiv's head between his legs! I don't like where this is going... Candiv is lifted into the air and is brought down with a thundering Power Bomb for 6!

Candiv is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Osolemirnix's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 11!

Candiv makes Hanging Fallaway Suplex for 9 damage.

Candiv is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Osolemirnix's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 9!

These two make everyone else pale in comparison to their talent!

Osolemirnix is down... Candiv climbs the ropes and leaps with his arms out to the side and buries his head into Osolemirnix's chest with a DEADLY KISS for 22!

Candiv puts Osolemirnix into a pin!




The match is over !!!

Match over : Candiv wins by pin

Candiv Effects
Win by pin +1
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 70
Vital Life damage 8
Doctor Level 2
Match Coach Level 2
Physical Trainer Level 2

Osolemirnix Effects
Lose by pin +1
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 72
Vital Life damage 8
Doctor Level 2
Match Coach Level 2
Physical Trainer Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games