ChallengeId 4874400
Title Verner(335299) vs Jon Talbain(335989)
AttackerId 335299
DefenderId 335989
Created 2015-10-29 15:44:23
Status Fought
MatchType Ladder
WinnerId 335299

Verner arrogantly sets up Jon Talbain in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Jon Talbain onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Verner hatefully spikes Jon Talbain into the mat with a Crucifix Powerbomb for a bone-crunching 5!

Jon Talbain charges Verner. Verner coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. Verner shoves his left arm under Jon Talbain's left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed Arm Drag Takedown for 1.

Verner tries to make a Dragon Leg Screw.
But Jon Talbain counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Jon Talbain is lying supine... Verner capitalizes and grabs Jon Talbain's ankles and hooks them, stepping over into a Kadozo Lock for a painful 21!

Jon Talbain summons all of his strength and lifts Verner high into the air by his throat! Jon Talbain then brings Verner crashing down to the mat for a devastating Chokeslam for 2!

Verner makes Spinning punch for 2 damage.

Verner makes an incredible Full Nelson Slam for 8 damage.
Forget anything bad I ever said about this guy!

Jon Talbain wraps his arms around Verner, lifts him up and hits a Belly to Belly suplex for 9!

Jon Talbain arrogantly sets up Verner in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Verner onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Jon Talbain hatefully spikes Verner into the mat with a Crucifix Powerbomb for a bone-crunching 3!

In the middle of an exchange of blows Verner quickly counters, capturing Jon Talbain's arm and driving him to the mat. He traps Jon Talbain's arm between his legs, locks his own hands across Jon Talbain's face, and begins to tug and pull back with all his might for 5! This Crossface is locked in tight!

Verner captures Jon Talbain's leg. Jon Talbain hops about and pleads for mercy, but Verner grins maliciously and nods his head. Verner then torques Jon Talbain's ankle and brings him to the ground with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1!

Verner makes an incredible Leg Breaker for 9 damage.
Jon Talbain is gasping for air like a dying fish!

Jon Talbain lifts Verner up and brings him crashing down bottom first on his knee. The Atomic Drop hits for a thundering 2! That's his tailbone, ladies and gentlemen!

Verner deftly sidesteps Jon Talbain's attack, moves behind him and locks in a Full Nelson for 2!

Verner makes a stupendous Irish Whip into the corner for 1 damage.

Verner tries to raise the ladder!
but Jon Talbain stops him!

Verner captures Jon Talbain's leg. Jon Talbain hops about and pleads for mercy, but Verner grins maliciously and nods his head. Verner then torques Jon Talbain's ankle and brings him to the ground with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1!

Verner tries to make a Toss out of Ring.
But Jon Talbain counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Verner holds Jon Talbain in a standing front facelock then falls back, slamming Jon Talbain's head into the mat for 10. I think he tried to bury him with that DDT!

Verner captures a dazed Jon Talbain into a front face lock and hooks his leg. Jon Talbain is lifted up and over and collides with the mat hard for 2, while Verner maintains his grip and bridges his back for the pin! What an amazing Cradle Suplex!

Jon Talbain makes Fallaway Slam for 5 damage.

Verner catches Jon Talbain off guard and goes for a quick win! He puts him into a Compactor for 1 and the ref begins the count!

Verner tries to raise the ladder!
but Jon Talbain stops him!

Verner grabs Jon Talbain around the waist. Verner suplexes once.... twice.... three times! There it is folks, a Rolling Germans for 5!

Jon Talbain tries to make a Crucifix Powerbomb.
But Verner counters for 5 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Jon Talbain makes Spinning punch for 1 damage.

Verner is choking Jon Talbain for 1 damage, but the ref breaks it up!
He was flailing like a madman!

Verner tries to make a Big Boot.
But Jon Talbain counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Jon Talbain tries to make a Full Nelson.
But Verner counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Verner makes Spinning punch for 1 damage.

Verner looks a bit groggy. Jon Talbain waits behind him, then quickly sticks his arms under Verner's arms and locks his hands behind Verner's head, cinching in a Full Nelson for 1!

Jon Talbain makes a Bite for 1 damage.
He gnawed on him like an animal!

Jon Talbain leans prostate in the corner! Verner walks over and angrily Stomp's a mudhole right into Jon Talbain's face and chest for 1!

Verner tries to raise the ladder!
but Jon Talbain stops him!

Verner arrogantly sets up Jon Talbain in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Jon Talbain onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Verner hatefully spikes Jon Talbain into the mat with a Crucifix Powerbomb for a bone-crunching 12!

I stared at the sun for WAY to long, and this is actually more exciting!

Jon Talbain hooks Verner's arms behind his back and looks to the crowd. Jon Talbain is going to attempt a Tiger Driver and Verner appears helpless... Jon Talbain lifts him upside-down and drops him head first to the mat for 8!

Jon Talbain makes Kick for 2 damage.

Jon Talbain tries to raise the ladder!
but Verner stops him!

Jon Talbain makes Spinning punch for 2 damage.

Verner delivers a flesh-rending Chop across Jon Talbain's chest for 2! The tremendous impact echoes throughout the arena! WOOOOOO!

Verner waves his hands in a slightly menacing and vaguely martial arts fashion, then does a sidestep and drives a Thrust Kick into Jon Talbain's face for 5!

Match over : Verner sets up the ladder and reaches the suitcase

Verner Effects
Win ladder +1
Money +281 $
Fame +13
Exp +2
Consciousness damage 41
Vital Life damage 5
Doctor Level 2

Jon Talbain Effects
Lose ladder +1
Money +74 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -1 Strength
Injury -2 Technique
Injury -1 Aerial
Consciousness damage 103
Vital Life damage 11
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games