ChallengeId 4881663
Title Candiv(102663) vs AK FortyRey(325586)
AttackerId 102663
DefenderId 325586
Created 2016-11-16 03:12:08
Status Fought
MatchType Ladder
WinnerId 102663

AutoHeal: Candiv uses 8 Ap for healing 16 damage
AutoHeal: AK FortyRey uses 29 Ap for healing 57 damage
Candiv has 600 hidden fame bonus from being a 6 times Legend !!
Candiv makes a stupendous Head Lock for 7 damage.
Did you see the sweat fly?!

Candiv tries to make a German Suplex.
But AK FortyRey counters for 3 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

AK FortyRey climbs to the second rope and waits for Candiv to regain a vertical base. AK FortyRey leaps over Candiv, grabbing his head and landing heavily, transferring the shock into a Flying Neckbreaker for 7!

Candiv tosses AK FortyRey out of the ring for 5 damage but AK FortyRey gets back in quickly. 5 damage!

Candiv climbs the ropes as AK FortyRey lies motionless on the mat. Candiv leaps, completing a full flip and a quarter hitting a 450 Splash for 6!

Candiv captures a dazed AK FortyRey into a front face lock and hooks his leg. AK FortyRey is lifted up and over and collides with the mat hard for 4, while Candiv maintains his grip and bridges his back for the pin! What an amazing Cradle Suplex!

AK FortyRey is sent hurtling toward the ropes with an Irish Whip! A waiting and eager Candiv is waiting on his return trip with a hellacious Clothesline for 1!

Candiv makes a stupendous Head scissors for 7 damage.
Forget anything bad I ever said about this guy!

Candiv tries to raise the ladder!
but AK FortyRey stops him!

AK FortyRey captures Candiv's leg. Candiv hops about and pleads for mercy, but AK FortyRey grins maliciously and nods his head. AK FortyRey then torques Candiv's ankle and brings him to the ground with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1!

AK FortyRey moves feebly on the mat! Ever the opportunist, Candiv quickly climbs up to the top turnbuckle of a nearby corner and takes to the air! He gracefully leaps and twists while aloft, coming down and connecting with a solid Corkscrew moonsault for 7!

AK FortyRey smashes Candiv head into the turnbuckle



He's stumbling around like a drunk!

Candiv smashes AK FortyRey head into the turnbuckle











He's stumbling around like a drunk!

AK FortyRey is lying supine... Candiv capitalizes and grabs AK FortyRey's ankles and hooks them, stepping over into a Boston Crab for a painful 1!

Candiv grabs AK FortyRey around the waist. Candiv suplexes once.... twice.... three times! There it is folks, a Rolling Germans for 9!

AK FortyRey tries to make a Punch.
But Candiv counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Candiv makes a stupendous Flying shoulder block for 11 damage.
You saw it here folks!

AK FortyRey performs a Stomp for 1. He's stomping on Candiv like a caller at a square dance!

AK FortyRey makes Whisper in wind for 7 damage.

AK FortyRey makes a stupendous Irish Whip into the corner for 1 damage.

Candiv makes a pathetic Flying shoulder block for 2 damage.
AK FortyRey is unfazed!

Candiv makes Head scissors for 2 damage.

Candiv tries to raise the ladder!
but AK FortyRey stops him!

Candiv hooks both arms of AK FortyRey! He brings him to the mat back first for 1!

AK FortyRey makes Lionsault for 6 damage.

AK FortyRey tries to make a Kick.
But Candiv counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Candiv grabs the leg of AK FortyRey, rotates arounds and locks in the Figure four leg lock for 7. Will AK FortyRey tap out?

Candiv performs a Stomp for 1. He's stomping on AK FortyRey like a caller at a square dance!

Candiv is sent into the ropes... AK FortyRey gets a running start and performs a Drop Kick for 1, sending Candiv back staggering!

Candiv makes a pathetic Northern Lights Suplex/Pin for 1 damage.
Candiv is really sucking tonight.

Candiv tries to make a Drop Kick.
But AK FortyRey counters for 3 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Candiv makes Head Lock for 2 damage.

Candiv smashes AK FortyRey head into the turnbuckle



He's stumbling around like a drunk!

Candiv tries to raise the ladder!
The match is over !!!

Match over : Candiv sets up the ladder and reaches the suitcase

Candiv Effects
Win ladder +1
Money +295 $
Fame +6
Exp +2
Consciousness damage 31
Vital Life damage 4
Doctor Level 2

AK FortyRey Effects
Lose ladder +1
Money +154 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 82
Vital Life damage 9
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games