ChallengeId 4884057
Title Kenny Kerbo(325752) vs Luther(215979)
AttackerId 325752
DefenderId 215979
Created 2017-05-23 19:49:00
Status Fought
MatchType LMS
WinnerId 325752

Kenny Kerbo has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Kenny Kerbo makes Spine Buster for 5 damage.

Luther and Kenny Kerbo are staring each other down. OH! Luther shows Kenny Kerbo no respect and Slap's him across the face for 1!

Kenny Kerbo makes a Bite for 1 damage.
He's chewing on him like his life depended on it!

Luther hooks Kenny Kerbo's arms behind his back and looks to the crowd. Luther is going to attempt a Tiger Driver and Kenny Kerbo appears helpless... Luther lifts him upside-down and drops him head first to the mat for 6!

Kenny Kerbo delivers a flesh-rending Chop across Luther's chest for 2! The tremendous impact echoes throughout the arena! WOOOOOO!

Luther makes an extraordinary Surfboard for 8 damage.
That was the prettiest thing I've ever seen!

Kenny Kerbo makes Elbow drop for 2 damage.

Kenny Kerbo makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

Luther tries to make a Sunset Flip.
But Kenny Kerbo counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Kenny Kerbo makes a pathetic Flying Headscissors Takedown for 2 damage.
My grandmother could have executed that move better!

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

Kenny Kerbo tries to make a Rolling Germans.
But Luther counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Luther makes a stupendous Face Lock for 5 damage.

Luther makes Spine Buster for 6 damage.

Luther is sent hurtling toward the ropes with an Irish Whip! A waiting and eager Kenny Kerbo is waiting on his return trip with a hellacious Clothesline for 5!

Luther makes Sidewalk Slam for 7 damage.

Kenny Kerbo tries to make a Sleeper hold.
But Luther counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Luther breaks Kenny Kerbo's momentum with a Knee to Gut for 2.

Anyone else think Kenny Kerbo was dumb to accept this match?

Kenny Kerbo tries to make a Top Rope Axe Handle.
But Luther counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Kenny Kerbo makes Northern Lights Suplex/Pin for 5 damage.

Luther makes Leg Split for 2 damage.

Kenny Kerbo tries to make a 450 Splash.
But Luther counters for 9 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Kenny Kerbo breaks Luther's momentum with a Knee to Gut for 2.

Luther catches Kenny Kerbo's leg under his arm and signals to the crowd. Luther spins with a flourish and takes down Kenny Kerbo, nearly tearing his leg from the socket with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1.

Luther makes a stupendous Flip-Over Cover for 1 damage.

Kenny Kerbo tries to make a DDT.
But Luther counters for 4 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Kenny Kerbo tries to make a Snake Eyes.
But Luther counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Luther grabs Kenny Kerbo's arm under his own and steps around behind him. Luther hooks a leg over Kenny Kerbo's thigh and tightens his grip, placing Kenny Kerbo in a painful Abdominal Stretch for 1.

Kenny Kerbo makes Hanging Fallaway Suplex for 6 damage.

Luther makes Surfboard for 5 damage.

Kenny Kerbo makes Face Lock for 1 damage.

Luther tries to make a Wheel Kick.
But Kenny Kerbo counters for 4 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Kenny Kerbo grabs Luther by the wrist and ducks underneath it, giving it a good, solid twist and locking in a Arm Bar for 3.

Luther makes Heel Kick for 8 damage.

Kenny Kerbo is choking Luther for 3 damage, but the ref breaks it up!
He was flailing like a madman!

I was in a nursing home brawl once, and this is actually more exciting!

Kenny Kerbo deftly sidesteps Luther's attack, moves behind him and locks in a Full Nelson for 5!

Luther is on the ground not moving, the ref counts





Luther makes it to his feet and breaks the refs counts.

Luther makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

Kenny Kerbo is on the ground not moving, the ref counts





Kenny Kerbo makes it to his feet and breaks the refs counts.

Kenny Kerbo makes a stupendous Forearm Smash for 5 damage.

Luther stand Kenny Kerbo up... he's getting ready! Luther takes measure of Kenny Kerbo, jumps up and slams the top of his foot against the back of Kenny Kerbo's head hitting a Back Brain Kick for 3!

Kenny Kerbo tosses Luther for 6 damage!

Luther grabs Kenny Kerbo's ankle and locks in a Ankle Lock for 1. Kenny Kerbo winces in agony!

Kenny Kerbo makes a Head Vice for 2 damage.
I thought his brains were coming out his ears!

Round and round Luther goes, I think his fist just broke Kenny Kerbo's nose! The Shoulder Tackle hits for 1!

Kenny Kerbo makes a pathetic Leg Twist for 1 damage.
Luther laughs in Kenny Kerbo's face!

Luther advances upon Kenny Kerbo and pushes him off balance, skillfully ending the exchange and sending Kenny Kerbo to the floor with a Back Heel Trip for 1!

I was mugged yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

Kenny Kerbo gets ready. he's setting Luther up. Kenny Kerbo lifts Luther up across his shoulders, then applies pressure to Luther's neck and leg, bending him backwards in an Argentine Back Breaker for 6! He's trying to snap him in half!

Luther smashes Kenny Kerbo head into the turnbuckle





He's stumbling around like a drunk!

Round and round Kenny Kerbo goes, I think his fist just broke Luther's nose! The Shoulder Tackle hits for 2!

Kenny Kerbo catches Luther off guard and goes for a quick win! He puts him into a Compactor for 1 and the ref begins the count!

Luther maliciously thrusts a finger into Kenny Kerbo's eye for 1! Even if Kenny Kerbo had goggles, they probably would have done nothing to protect him from that Eye Gouge!

Kenny Kerbo is on the ground not moving, the ref counts





Kenny Kerbo makes it to his feet and breaks the refs counts.

Kenny Kerbo leaps mightily into the air and performs a Drop Kick, connecting right in the middle of Luther's chest for 5.

Kenny Kerbo is sent hurtling toward the ropes with an Irish Whip! A waiting and eager Luther is waiting on his return trip with a hellacious Clothesline for 4!

Luther is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Kenny Kerbo's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 8!

Luther is on the ground not moving, the ref counts





Luther makes it to his feet and breaks the refs counts.

Luther makes an extraordinary Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker for 11 damage.
Holy crap, I bet they heard that hit all the way in China!

Kenny Kerbo presses his body close up against Luther's back and grabs him around the waist, lifting him up and dropping him in a Back Suplex for 4.

Kenny Kerbo is on the mat... Luther executes a Low Blow Leg Drop for 4! I hope Kenny Kerbo wasn't planning on having kids!

I was in a bathroom brawl once, and this is actually more exciting!

Luther is helpless on the mat! Kenny Kerbo positions himself at Luther's head and pulls him into a sitting position, resting against Kenny Kerbo's knee. Kenny Kerbo wraps his arm around his opponent's chin and begins to pull back HARD, executing a tendon-tearing Chin lock for 5!

Luther makes Leg Split for 6 damage.

Kenny Kerbo grabs the leg of Luther, rotates arounds and locks in the WATCHING THE TIDE for 20. Will Luther tap out?

Luther wraps his arms around Kenny Kerbo's waist and lower back and begins to squeeze executing a DEVILS CORSET for 4. Kenny Kerbo is gasping for air!

Kenny Kerbo makes an extraordinary Full Nelson Slam for 8 damage.
Forget anything bad I ever said about this guy!

Luther makes a stupendous Drop toe hold for 2 damage.

Luther bends his arm up next to his head, slaps his elbow twice, then drives it down on the forehead of Kenny Kerbo for 2! He sure know how to make a Elbow Smash hurt!

Kenny Kerbo catches Luther's leg under his arm and signals to the crowd. Kenny Kerbo spins with a flourish and takes down Luther, nearly tearing his leg from the socket with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1.

Luther grabs Kenny Kerbo from behind, lifts him high, and delivers a crunching Atomic Drop for 3. Kenny Kerbo walks about gingerly while gently holding his bruised rump!

My brakes gave out at an intersection last week, and this is actually more exciting!

Kenny Kerbo executes a tremendous Slap across Luther's face for 1. Oh dear, that HAD to hurt... or at least annoy the heck out of Luther...

Luther makes a pathetic Fallaway Slam for 2 damage.
Kenny Kerbo must be impervious!

Kenny Kerbo makes Northern Lights Suplex/Pin for 4 damage.

Luther is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Kenny Kerbo's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 1!

This time he is down for good. The Ref Counts:











Match over : Kenny Kerbo wins

Kenny Kerbo Effects
Win LMS +1
Money +386 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Injury -1 Strength
Injury -1 Technique
Consciousness damage 121
Vital Life damage 13
Doctor Level 2

Luther Effects
Lose LMS +1
Money +143 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -2 Strength
Injury -1 Submission
Injury -2 Aerial
Consciousness damage 128
Vital Life damage 13
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games