ChallengeId 4884242
Title Dynamite Warrior(304691) vs Alex Anderson(211572)
AttackerId 304691
DefenderId 211572
Created 2017-06-14 13:51:21
Status Fought
MatchType LMS
WinnerId 304691

AutoHeal: Dynamite Warrior uses 10 Ap for healing 20 damage
AutoHeal: Alex Anderson uses 15 Ap for healing 30 damage
Dynamite Warrior has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Alex Anderson has 300 hidden fame bonus from being a 3 times Legend !!
Alex Anderson summons all of his strength and lifts Dynamite Warrior high into the air by his throat! Alex Anderson then brings Dynamite Warrior crashing down to the mat for a devastating Chokeslam for 4!

Alex Anderson tries to make a Missile Dropkick.
But Dynamite Warrior counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Dynamite Warrior makes a Shining Wizard for 6 damage.
I think I have his brains on my pants!

Alex Anderson makes a stupendous Kick for 3 damage.

Dynamite Warrior wraps his arms around Alex Anderson's waist and lower back and begins to squeeze executing a Bear Hug for 11. Alex Anderson is gasping for air!

Alex Anderson tries to make a German Suplex.
But Dynamite Warrior counters for 3 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Alex Anderson makes Sleeper hold for 3 damage.

Dynamite Warrior grabs Alex Anderson's ankle and locks in a Ankle Lock for 6. Alex Anderson winces in agony!

Alex Anderson makes Head Lock for 4 damage.

I was in a bathroom brawl once, and this is actually more exciting!

Alex Anderson makes a pathetic Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker for 1 damage.
Dynamite Warrior laughs in Alex Anderson's face!

Dynamite Warrior makes Shoulder Block for 2 damage.

Dynamite Warrior makes Front Powerslam for 6 damage.

Dynamite Warrior lifts Alex Anderson into a suplex postion and drops Alex Anderson straight on his head with a Brain Buster for 9.

Dynamite Warrior presses his body close up against Alex Anderson's back and grabs him around the waist, lifting him up and dropping him in a Back Suplex for 9.

Dynamite Warrior thrusts Alex Anderson's head between his legs! I don't like where this is going... Alex Anderson is lifted into the air and is brought down with a thundering Power Bomb for 9!

Alex Anderson quickly takes a step back and snaps his foot out to the side, catching Dynamite Warrior right on the chin with a Thrust Kick causing 9! I was barely able to see that!

Alex Anderson sends Dynamite Warrior into the ropes... Alex Anderson bends down and lifts Dynamite Warrior up and over to land hard on his back for 5.

Alex Anderson makes Sleeper hold for 4 damage.

Alex Anderson holds Dynamite Warrior in a standing front facelock then falls back, slamming Dynamite Warrior's head into the mat for 5. I think he tried to bury him with that DDT!

I was in a barroom brawl an hour ago, and this is actually more exciting!

Alex Anderson makes a stupendous Shoulder Thrust for 3 damage.

Dynamite Warrior tenaciously traps Alex Anderson in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as Dynamite Warrior runs and leaps with Alex Anderson's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as Dynamite Warrior delivers a powerful Bulldog for 3!

Dynamite Warrior tosses Alex Anderson for 26 damage!

Dynamite Warrior makes Head Butt for 2 damage.

Alex Anderson makes a stupendous Fallaway Slam for 12 damage.

Dynamite Warrior is on the ground not moving, the ref counts





Dynamite Warrior makes it to his feet and breaks the refs counts.

Dynamite Warrior charges Alex Anderson and executes a beautiful Spear for 13, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

Dynamite Warrior tries to make a Shining Wizard.
But Alex Anderson counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Alex Anderson is on the ground not moving, the ref counts





Alex Anderson makes it to his feet and breaks the refs counts.

Alex Anderson makes Wristlock for 5 damage.

Dynamite Warrior makes Leg Drop for 6 damage.

This time he is down for good. The Ref Counts:











Match over : Dynamite Warrior wins

Dynamite Warrior Effects
Win LMS +1
Money +549 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 60
Vital Life damage 7
Doctor Level 2

Alex Anderson Effects
Lose LMS +1
Money +203 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -2 Submission
Injury -1 Consciousness
Consciousness damage 112
Vital Life damage 12
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games