ChallengeId 4887336
Title Kong Harald(91238) vs Wrestling Machine(335743)
AttackerId 91238
DefenderId 335743
Created 2017-10-07 13:37:10
Status Fought
MatchType Cage
WinnerId 91238

AutoHeal: Kong Harald uses 7 Ap for healing 14 damage
AutoHeal: Wrestling Machine uses 22 Ap for healing 44 damage
Kong Harald makes Wheel Kick for 2 damage.

Wrestling Machine charges Kong Harald and executes a beautiful Spear for 3, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

Wrestling Machine tries to make a Arm Drag Takedown.
But Kong Harald counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Kong Harald breaks Wrestling Machine's momentum with a Knee to Gut for 2.

Kong Harald makes a stupendous Face Lock for 5 damage.

Kong Harald makes Pumphandle Slam for 3 damage.

Kong Harald makes Forearm Smash for 2 damage.

Wrestling Machine tries to make a Back Slide.
But Kong Harald counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Kong Harald makes a pathetic Splash for 1 damage.
Wrestling Machine is unfazed!

Kong Harald tries to make a Head Butt.
But Wrestling Machine counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

I was in a nursing home brawl once, and this is actually more exciting!

Kong Harald makes a stupendous Spinning punch for 3 damage.

Wrestling Machine makes Face Lock for 1 damage.

Kong Harald tries to make a Spring Board Moonsault.
But Wrestling Machine counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Wrestling Machine is sent hurtling toward the ropes with an Irish Whip! A waiting and eager Kong Harald is waiting on his return trip with a hellacious Clothesline for 5!

Kong Harald makes an incredible Spine Buster for 8 damage.
Wrestling Machine is left twitching on the mat!

Kong Harald makes Hip toss for 1 damage.

Kong Harald is lying supine... Wrestling Machine capitalizes and grabs Kong Harald's ankles and hooks them, stepping over into a Boston Crab for a painful 5!

Kong Harald tries to make a Missile Dropkick.
But Wrestling Machine counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Kong Harald bends low and grabs Wrestling Machine's legs. He lifts him up, then kneels down, one knee driving up in between Wrestling Machine's legs in a spine-compressing Atomic Drop for 2 that leaves Wrestling Machine hopping up and down. Wrestling Machine will be singing soprano after that one!

I was in a barroom brawl an hour ago, and this is actually more exciting!

Kong Harald grabs Wrestling Machine from behind, lifts him high, and delivers a crunching Atomic Drop for 2. Wrestling Machine walks about gingerly while gently holding his bruised rump!

Kong Harald tries to get out of the cage!
but Wrestling Machine stops him!

Wrestling Machine lifts Kong Harald into a suplex postion and drops Kong Harald straight on his head with a Brain Buster for 4.

Kong Harald tenaciously traps Wrestling Machine in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as Kong Harald runs and leaps with Wrestling Machine's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as Kong Harald delivers a powerful Bulldog for 9!

Kong Harald bites Wrestling Machine for 1. Who does he think he is, Mike Tyson?!

Wrestling Machine stands behind Kong Harald and grabs his wrists. Wrestling Machine kneels down, plants a knee in Kong Harald's back and pulls HARD, executing a Bow and Arrow for 1!

Kong Harald tries to make a Spinning punch.
But Wrestling Machine counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Kong Harald makes a pathetic Elbow drop for 1 damage.
Wrestling Machine laughs in Kong Harald's face!

Wrestling Machine hooks both arms of Kong Harald! He brings him to the mat back first for 1!

Kong Harald makes Flying Headscissors Takedown for 4 damage.

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

Wrestling Machine tries to make a Figure four leg lock.
But Kong Harald counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Kong Harald grabs Wrestling Machine from behind, lifts him high, and delivers a crunching Atomic Drop for 2. Wrestling Machine walks about gingerly while gently holding his bruised rump!

Kong Harald looks a bit groggy. Wrestling Machine waits behind him, then quickly sticks his arms under Kong Harald's arms and locks his hands behind Kong Harald's head, cinching in a Full Nelson for 2!

Kong Harald captures Wrestling Machine's leg. Wrestling Machine hops about and pleads for mercy, but Kong Harald grins maliciously and nods his head. Kong Harald then torques Wrestling Machine's ankle and brings him to the ground with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1!

Kong Harald is choking Wrestling Machine for 1 damage, but the ref breaks it up!

Kong Harald balls his fist and hits Wrestling Machine right in the gut, making a Punch for 2.

Wrestling Machine tries to make a Cobra Clutch.
But Kong Harald counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Kong Harald grabs the leg of Wrestling Machine, rotates arounds and locks in the Figure four leg lock for 5. Will Wrestling Machine tap out?

Kong Harald tries to get out of the cage!
The match is over !!!

Match over : Kong Harald survives and climbs out of the cage and wins the match

Kong Harald Effects
Win cage +1
Money +391 $
Fame +30
Exp +3
Consciousness damage 21
Vital Life damage 3
Doctor Level 2

Wrestling Machine Effects
Lose cage +1
Money +95 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 67
Vital Life damage 7
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games