ChallengeId 4907693
Title TOURNAMENT MATCH: Lex Talionis(337281) vs Psycho Savage(250808)
AttackerId 337281
DefenderId 250808
Created 2022-03-26 00:03:05
Status Fought
MatchType Ladder
WinnerId 250808

AutoHeal: Lex Talionis uses 16 Ap for healing 31 damage
AutoHeal: Psycho Savage uses 8 Ap for healing 15 damage
Psycho Savage has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Lex Talionis looks alittle off today.

Psycho Savage stands behind Lex Talionis and grabs his wrists. Psycho Savage kneels down, plants a knee in Lex Talionis's back and pulls HARD, executing a Bow and Arrow for 3!

Psycho Savage makes STRAITJACKET for 15 damage.

Psycho Savage tries to make a Abdominal Stretch.
But Lex Talionis counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Psycho Savage makes a stupendous Flip-Over Cover for 1 damage.

Psycho Savage tries to make a Jaw Breaker.
But Lex Talionis counters for 2 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Psycho Savage tries to make a Front Powerslam.
But Lex Talionis counters for 2 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Lex Talionis performs a Stomp for 1. He's stomping on Psycho Savage like a caller at a square dance!

Lex Talionis waves his hands in a slightly menacing and vaguely martial arts fashion, then does a sidestep and drives a Thrust Kick into Psycho Savage's face for 3!

Psycho Savage arrogantly sets up Lex Talionis in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Lex Talionis onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Psycho Savage hatefully spikes Lex Talionis into the mat with a Crucifix Powerbomb for a bone-crunching 1!

Psycho Savage grabs Lex Talionis on each side of the head and sticks his own head under Lex Talionis's chin. Psycho Savage drops sharply to his knees, smashing Lex Talionis's jaw. What a Jaw Breaker for 11!

Psycho Savage tries to make a Back Slide.
But Lex Talionis counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Psycho Savage makes Senton Splash for 6 damage.

Psycho Savage tries to raise the ladder!
but Lex Talionis stops him!

Psycho Savage makes Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker for 5 damage.

Psycho Savage wraps his arms around Lex Talionis, lifts him up and hits a Belly to Belly suplex for 3!

Lex Talionis makes a stupendous Shoulder Thrust for 2 damage.

I was mugged yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

Psycho Savage makes Fallaway Slam for 9 damage.

Lex Talionis lifts Psycho Savage up in a fireman's carry... he spins him around and slams him down to the mat for 2, executing a brilliant Airplane spin drop! Psycho Savage looks like he is going to puke!

Psycho Savage makes an extraordinary Knee Breaker for 8 damage.
Lex Talionis is left twitching on the mat!

Psycho Savage lifts Lex Talionis into a suplex postion and drops Lex Talionis straight on his head with a Brain Buster for 9.

Psycho Savage grabs Lex Talionis by the wrist and ducks underneath it, giving it a good, solid twist and locking in a Arm Bar for 6.

Lex Talionis grabs Psycho Savage from behind, lifts him high, and delivers a crunching Atomic Drop for 1. Psycho Savage walks about gingerly while gently holding his bruised rump!

In the middle of an exchange of blows Psycho Savage quickly counters, capturing Lex Talionis's arm and driving him to the mat. He traps Lex Talionis's arm between his legs, locks his own hands across Lex Talionis's face, and begins to tug and pull back with all his might for 4! This Crossface is locked in tight!

Lex Talionis wraps his arms around Psycho Savage, lifts him up and hits a Belly to Belly suplex for 1!

Psycho Savage grabs Lex Talionis's arm under his own and steps around behind him. Psycho Savage hooks a leg over Lex Talionis's thigh and tightens his grip, placing Lex Talionis in a painful Abdominal Stretch for 5.

Psycho Savage makes Gut Buster for 6 damage.

Psycho Savage tries to raise the ladder!
but Lex Talionis stops him!

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

With an impressive show of 'roid rage induced strength, Lex Talionis presses Psycho Savage above his head, then performs a Gorilla Press for 5, simply letting Psycho Savage drop right to the ground.

Psycho Savage makes a stupendous Shoulder Thrust for 3 damage.

Lex Talionis makes Vertical Suplex for 5 damage.

Lex Talionis tries to make a Head Lock.
But Psycho Savage counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Psycho Savage grabs the arm of Lex Talionis and drops it over his shoulder for 5.

Match over : Psycho Savage sets up the ladder and reaches the suitcase

Lex Talionis Effects
Lose ladder +1
Money +245 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -2 Strength
Consciousness damage 102
Vital Life damage 11
Doctor Level 2

Psycho Savage Effects
Win ladder +1
Money +594 $
Fame +6
Exp +3
Consciousness damage 27
Vital Life damage 3
Doctor Level 2

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