ChallengeId 4948104
Title TOURNAMENT MATCH: Dirty Dave(337557) vs Tambo Mokda(337672)
AttackerId 337557
DefenderId 337672
Created 2023-01-27 00:03:03
Status Fought
MatchType Cage
WinnerId 337557

AutoHeal: Dirty Dave uses 5 Ap for healing 10 damage
AutoHeal: Tambo Mokda uses 33 Ap for healing 65 damage
Dirty Dave makes a pathetic Knee Breaker for 1 damage.
Well that hardly accomplished anything.

In a blatant show of contempt for his opponent, Tambo Mokda repeatedly slaps Dirty Dave about the head, ears, and neck as Dirty Dave tries to get to his feet! 1 damage.

Tambo Mokda makes Head Lock for 4 damage.

Dirty Dave makes an incredible Neckbreaker for 10 damage.

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Missile Dropkick.
But Dirty Dave counters for 2 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Dirty Dave gets ready. he's setting Tambo Mokda up. Dirty Dave lifts Tambo Mokda up across his shoulders, then applies pressure to Tambo Mokda's neck and leg, bending him backwards in an Argentine Back Breaker for 6! He's trying to snap him in half!

Tambo Mokda makes Flying shoulder block for 6 damage.

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Ankle Lock.
But Dirty Dave counters for 2 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Dirty Dave hoists Tambo Mokda onto his shoulders, setting him up for a Airplane spin drop! He's spinning him right round, baby, right round! Like a record, baby, right round, round round! Tambo Mokda gets dropped for 4!

My house caught fire this morning, and this is actually more exciting!

Dirty Dave makes Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker for 6 damage.

Dirty Dave hoists Tambo Mokda onto his shoulders, setting him up for a Airplane spin drop! He's spinning him right round, baby, right round! Like a record, baby, right round, round round! Tambo Mokda gets dropped for 13!

Dirty Dave deftly maneuvers himself behind Tambo Mokda and locks him into control with an expertly applied Chicken Wing for 4!

Into the ropes goes Tambo Mokda... and he's brought down with a Big Boot for 1 from Dirty Dave!

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Flying Clothesline.
But Dirty Dave counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Cobra Clutch.
But Dirty Dave counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

With an impressive show of 'roid rage induced strength, Dirty Dave presses Tambo Mokda above his head, then performs a Gorilla Press for 1, simply letting Tambo Mokda drop right to the ground.

Anyone else think Tambo Mokda was dumb to accept this match?

Dirty Dave makes a pathetic Electric Chair for 1 damage.
Dirty Dave is really sucking tonight.

Dirty Dave tries to get out of the cage!
but Tambo Mokda stops him!

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Argentine Back Breaker.
But Dirty Dave counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Dirty Dave makes Pumphandle Slam for 3 damage.

Tambo Mokda makes a stupendous Irish Whip into the corner for 1 damage.

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Dragon Leg Screw.
But Dirty Dave counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Dirty Dave makes an incredible Heel Kick for 11 damage.
Did you see the sweat fly?!

Tambo Mokda makes Top-rope splash for 3 damage.

Dirty Dave makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

Dirty Dave tries to make a Bear Hug.
But Tambo Mokda counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Dirty Dave tries to get out of the cage!
but Tambo Mokda stops him!

Dirty Dave grabs Tambo Mokda around the waist. Dirty Dave suplexes once.... twice.... three times! There it is folks, a ROLLING DIRTY for 2!

Round and round Dirty Dave goes, I think his fist just broke Tambo Mokda's nose! The Shoulder Tackle hits for 3!

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Toss out of Ring.
But Dirty Dave counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Dirty Dave makes an extraordinary Leg Breaker for 9 damage.
Did you see the sweat fly?!

Tambo Mokda tries to make a Ring Rope Clothesline Snap.
But Dirty Dave counters for 3 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Dirty Dave arrogantly sets up Tambo Mokda in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Tambo Mokda onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Dirty Dave hatefully spikes Tambo Mokda into the mat with a DIRTBOMB for a bone-crunching 25!

Match over : Dirty Dave survives and climbs out of the cage and wins the match

Dirty Dave Effects
Win cage +1
Money +902 $
Fame +6
Exp +3
Consciousness damage 18
Vital Life damage 2
Doctor Level 2

Tambo Mokda Effects
Lose cage +1
Money +345 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -2 Consciousness
Consciousness damage 115
Vital Life damage 12
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games