ChallengeId 4949851
Title Jack O Lantern(337558) vs Olive Oak(337561)
AttackerId 337558
DefenderId 337561
Created 2023-02-12 09:39:32
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 337558

Jack O Lantern has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Olive Oak has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Jack O Lantern makes Shoulder Thrust for 2 damage.

Jack O Lantern charges Olive Oak. Olive Oak coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. Olive Oak shoves his left arm under Jack O Lantern's left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed TROJAN HORSE for 1.

Jack O Lantern makes an extraordinary German Suplex for 5 damage.
You saw it here folks!
Jack O Lantern puts Olive Oak into a pin!



but Olive Oak kicks out of it!

Jack O Lantern is out cold on his feet! Olive Oak takes advantage and charges at his opponent, bringing Jack O Lantern down with an amazing Clothesline for 7!

Jack O Lantern advances upon Olive Oak and pushes him off balance, skillfully ending the exchange and sending Olive Oak to the floor with a Back Heel Trip for 1!

Jack O Lantern leans prostate in the corner! Olive Oak walks over and angrily Stomp's a mudhole right into Jack O Lantern's face and chest for 1!

Jack O Lantern makes a pathetic Elbow drop for 1 damage.
Olive Oak must be impervious!

Jack O Lantern performs a Stomp for 1. He's stomping on Olive Oak like a caller at a square dance!

Olive Oak leaps mightily into the air and performs a Drop Kick, connecting right in the middle of Jack O Lantern's chest for 5.

Jack O Lantern makes Head Lock for 5 damage.
The submission fails.

Wow, I think someone needs to restart my heart!

Olive Oak makes an extraordinary Pumphandle Slam for 9 damage.
Jack O Lantern is gasping for air like a dying fish!

Jack O Lantern charges Olive Oak and executes a beautiful Spear for 1, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

Olive Oak throws Jack O Lantern toward the ropes with a hard Irish Whip! Olive Oak tries to leap over Jack O Lantern but is caught by surprise with a lightning-fast Shillegah for 13!

Jack O Lantern makes Head Lock for 4 damage.
The submission fails.

Olive Oak tries to make a Northern Lights Suplex/Pin.
But Jack O Lantern counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Olive Oak charges Jack O Lantern. Jack O Lantern coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. Jack O Lantern shoves his left arm under Olive Oak's left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed Arm Drag Takedown for 3.

Olive Oak grabs Jack O Lantern by the throat and slams him down for 3 damage.

Olive Oak makes Northern Lights Suplex/Pin for 4 damage.
Olive Oak puts Jack O Lantern into a pin!



but Jack O Lantern kicks out of it!

Olive Oak puts Jack O Lantern into a pin!



but Jack O Lantern kicks out of it!

Jack O Lantern tries to make a Kick.
But Olive Oak counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Jack O Lantern makes Kick for 1 damage.

I was in a barroom brawl an hour ago, and this is actually more exciting!

Jack O Lantern grabs Olive Oak around the waist. Jack O Lantern suplexes once.... twice.... three times! There it is folks, a Rolling Germans for 6!
Jack O Lantern puts Olive Oak into a pin!




Match over : Jack O Lantern wins by pin

Jack O Lantern Effects
Win by pin +1
Money +359 $
Fame +6
Exp +3
Consciousness damage 31
Vital Life damage 4
Doctor Level 2

Olive Oak Effects
Lose by pin +1
Money +152 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 46
Vital Life damage 5
Doctor Level 2

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PLIT Games