ChallengeId 4950624
Title TOURNAMENT MATCH: Rocker Soul(337548) vs _The Gravedigger_(81000)
AttackerId 337548
DefenderId 81000
Created 2023-02-22 00:03:04
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 81000

AutoHeal: _The Gravedigger_ uses 5 Ap for healing 10 damage
_The Gravedigger_ has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
_The Gravedigger_ grabs Rocker Soul's ankle and locks in a Ankle Lock for 7. Rocker Soul winces in agony!
The submission fails.

Rocker Soul is lying on the ropes trying to catch his breath... OH MY! _The Gravedigger_ grabs the back of Rocker Soul's head and jumps to the arena floor, clotheslining Rocker Soul on the top rope with a sneaky Ring Rope Clothesline Snap for 5!

_The Gravedigger_ waves his hands in a slightly menacing and vaguely martial arts fashion, then does a sidestep and drives a Thrust Kick into Rocker Soul's face for 9!

Rocker Soul catches _The Gravedigger_ off guard and goes for a quick win! He puts him into a Compactor for 1 and the ref begins the count!
Rocker Soul puts _The Gravedigger_ into a pin!



but _The Gravedigger_ kicks out of it!

Rocker Soul makes Knee Breaker for 5 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ grabs Rocker Soul on each side of the head and sticks his own head under Rocker Soul's chin. _The Gravedigger_ drops sharply to his knees, smashing Rocker Soul's jaw. What a Jaw Breaker for 10!

Rocker Soul makes Wheel Kick for 2 damage.

Round and round _The Gravedigger_ goes, I think his fist just broke Rocker Soul's nose! The Shoulder Tackle hits for 3!

Rocker Soul bends his arm up next to his head, slaps his elbow twice, then drives it down on the forehead of _The Gravedigger_ for 3! He sure know how to make a Elbow Smash hurt!

Rocker Soul makes a Shining Wizard for 2 damage.
I think I have his brains on my pants!

_The Gravedigger_ makes Gut Buster for 5 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ tenaciously traps Rocker Soul in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as _The Gravedigger_ runs and leaps with Rocker Soul's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as _The Gravedigger_ delivers a powerful Bulldog for 10!

_The Gravedigger_ smashes Rocker Soul head into the turnbuckle







He's stumbling around like a drunk!

_The Gravedigger_ puts Rocker Soul into a pin!



but Rocker Soul kicks out of it!

Rocker Soul makes an extraordinary Shoulder Block for 7 damage.
That was the prettiest thing I've ever seen!

_The Gravedigger_ charges Rocker Soul and executes a beautiful Spear for 8, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

My house caught fire this morning, and this is actually more exciting!

Rocker Soul makes Tilt-a-Whirl Slam for 5 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ sneers at the downed Rocker Soul with contempt, then crouches and leaps, executing a Summersault Legdrop for 12!

Rocker Soul tries to make a 450 Splash.
But _The Gravedigger_ counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

_The Gravedigger_ makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

Rocker Soul grabs _The Gravedigger_'s head and falls back, rolling up and hooking _The Gravedigger_'s leg for 8... That's some FUBAR!
Rocker Soul puts _The Gravedigger_ into a pin!



but _The Gravedigger_ kicks out of it!

_The Gravedigger_ is down on the mat behind Rocker Soul. Rocker Soul crouches down then springs back up executing a backflip and landing a splash on _The Gravedigger_ for 10!

Rocker Soul puts _The Gravedigger_ into a pin!



but _The Gravedigger_ kicks out of it!

Rocker Soul is lying supine... _The Gravedigger_ capitalizes and grabs Rocker Soul's ankles and hooks them, stepping over into a Boston Crab for a painful 5!
The submission fails.

Rocker Soul bounces off the ropes, and flips over _The Gravedigger_, grabbing the waist and pulling him over with a Sunset Flip for 1!
Rocker Soul puts _The Gravedigger_ into a pin!



but _The Gravedigger_ kicks out of it!

_The Gravedigger_ puts Rocker Soul into a pin!




The match is over !!!

Match over : _The Gravedigger_ wins by pin

Rocker Soul Effects
Lose by pin +1
Money +89 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 79
Vital Life damage 8
Doctor Level 2

_The Gravedigger_ Effects
Win by pin +1
Money +292 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 44
Vital Life damage 5
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games