ChallengeId 4951551
Title Dyna Mike Duncan(68566) vs Kamikaze(337591)
AttackerId 68566
DefenderId 337591
Created 2023-03-04 10:38:26
Status Fought
MatchType Cage
WinnerId 68566

AutoHeal: Dyna Mike Duncan uses 34 Ap for healing 67 damage
AutoHeal: Kamikaze uses 8 Ap for healing 16 damage
Dyna Mike Duncan has 900 hidden fame bonus from being a 9 times Legend !!
Kamikaze is almost finished!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes a pathetic Spine Buster for 1 damage.
Did I miss something that made that move suck so bad?

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Flying neck snap for 3 damage.

Kamikaze is climbing the cage... he's going to make it! He's - he's turning around on top of the cage? Holy smokes! Kamikaze is going for it! WHAM! Dyna Mike Duncan takes 6 from a Diving Headbutt off the top of the steel cage... incredible!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Senton Splash for 3 damage.

Kamikaze wraps his arms around Dyna Mike Duncan's waist and lower back and begins to squeeze executing a Bear Hug for 2. Dyna Mike Duncan is gasping for air!

Dyna Mike Duncan deftly maneuvers himself behind Kamikaze and locks him into control with an expertly applied Chicken Wing for 1!

Dyna Mike Duncan is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Kamikaze's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 1!

Kamikaze is down on the mat behind Dyna Mike Duncan. Dyna Mike Duncan crouches down then springs back up executing a backflip and landing a splash on Kamikaze for 2!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Knee Breaker for 3 damage.

Kamikaze squeezes the life out of Dyna Mike Duncan with a Bear Hug for 5!

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Flying Spin kick for 8 damage.

Match over : Dyna Mike Duncan survives and climbs out of the cage and wins the match

Dyna Mike Duncan Effects
Win cage +1
Money +1106 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 14
Vital Life damage 2
Doctor Level 1

Kamikaze Effects
Lose cage +1
Money +403 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 21
Vital Life damage 3
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games