ChallengeId 4952416
Title The Dark Panther(283361) vs Dyna Mike Duncan(68566)
AttackerId 283361
DefenderId 68566
Created 2023-03-12 01:57:40
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 68566

The Dark Panther has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Dyna Mike Duncan has 900 hidden fame bonus from being a 9 times Legend !!
The Dark Panther makes an incredible Snap Suplex for 5 damage.
That was the prettiest thing I've ever seen!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Half Nelson for 1 damage.
The submission fails.

Dyna Mike Duncan wraps his arms around The Dark Panther, lifts him up and hits a Belly to Belly suplex for 9!

The Dark Panther makes an extraordinary Neckbreaker for 10 damage.
Dyna Mike Duncan lands lifeless on the mat!

The Dark Panther tries to make a Flying neck snap.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 7 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to make a Leg Twist.
But The Dark Panther counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

The Dark Panther presses his body close up against Dyna Mike Duncan's back and grabs him around the waist, lifting him up and dropping him in a Back Suplex for 6.

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to make a Rolling Senton Splash.
But The Dark Panther counters for 7 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to make a Leg Split.
But The Dark Panther counters for 4 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Dyna Mike Duncan charges The Dark Panther. The Dark Panther coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. The Dark Panther shoves his left arm under Dyna Mike Duncan's left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed Arm Drag Takedown for 1.

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Gut Buster for 5 damage.

The Dark Panther makes Vertical Suplex for 6 damage.

Dyna Mike Duncan makes a stupendous Shoulder Block for 8 damage.
The Dark Panther is gasping for air like a dying fish!

The Dark Panther makes a stupendous Kick for 3 damage.

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Scorpion Deathlock for 2 damage.
That's it! The Dark Panther throws in the towel!

Match over : Dyna Mike Duncan wins by submission

The Dark Panther Effects
Lose by submission +1
Money +159 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 32
Vital Life damage 4
Doctor Level 2

Dyna Mike Duncan Effects
Win by submission +1
Money +314 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 43
Vital Life damage 5
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games