ChallengeId 4952976
Title TOURNAMENT MATCH: Candiv(102663) vs Psycho Savage(250808)
AttackerId 102663
DefenderId 250808
Created 2023-03-18 00:03:04
Status Fought
MatchType Ladder
WinnerId 250808

AutoHeal: Candiv uses 14 Ap for healing 28 damage
AutoHeal: Psycho Savage uses 4 Ap for healing 7 damage
Candiv has 700 hidden fame bonus from being a 7 times Legend !!
Psycho Savage has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Psycho Savage grabs the arm of Candiv and drops it over his shoulder for 4.

Candiv makes a stupendous Kick for 3 damage.

Psycho Savage captures a dazed Candiv into a front face lock and hooks his leg. Candiv is lifted up and over and collides with the mat hard for 5, while Psycho Savage maintains his grip and bridges his back for the pin! What an amazing Cradle Suplex!

Psycho Savage quickly leaps onto the second rope of the ring and catapults himself backwards toward Candiv!
7 damage

Psycho Savage makes a stupendous Flip-Over Cover for 1 damage.

Candiv makes Shoulder Thrust for 2 damage.

Psycho Savage makes a stupendous Flying Cross Body for 6 damage.
Wow, he must only suck every other day!

Candiv makes a pathetic Stall Suplex for 1 damage.
My grandmother could have executed that move better!

Psycho Savage makes an incredible Knee Drop for 5 damage.
I'm glad that's not me in there!

My wife gave birth yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

Candiv is on the top rope and flies through the air, landing the Flying Elbow Drop for 4. Candiv just drove his elbow right into the chest of Psycho Savage!

Psycho Savage tries to make a Superplex.
But Candiv counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Candiv bends his arm up next to his head, slaps his elbow twice, then drives it down on the forehead of Psycho Savage for 4! He sure know how to make a Elbow Smash hurt!

Oh MY! I can't believe it!
Psycho Savage is climbing up to the top rope dragging Candiv!
Is he? He is!
He's going to do a Superplex.
Psycho Savage lifts him up!
They go flying down to the canvas for 10!

Candiv makes Front Powerslam for 2 damage.

Psycho Savage grabs Candiv from behind, lifts him high, and delivers a crunching Atomic Drop for 3. Candiv walks about gingerly while gently holding his bruised rump!

Candiv makes Spine Buster for 2 damage.

Psycho Savage makes a pathetic Senton Splash for 1 damage.
Well that hardly accomplished anything.

Candiv arrogantly sets up Psycho Savage in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Psycho Savage onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Candiv hatefully spikes Psycho Savage into the mat with a Crucifix Powerbomb for a bone-crunching 2!

Psycho Savage tenaciously traps Candiv in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as Psycho Savage runs and leaps with Candiv's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as Psycho Savage delivers a powerful EUTHANASIA for 15!

Psycho Savage tries to raise the ladder!
but Candiv stops him!

I stared at the sun for WAY to long, and this is actually more exciting!

Candiv climbs to the top of the ladder, turns, and does a swan dive! Oh my God! He smacked Psycho Savage with a Diving Headbutt for 6!

Candiv climbs to the second rope and waits for Psycho Savage to regain a vertical base. Candiv leaps over Psycho Savage, grabbing his head and landing heavily, transferring the shock into a Flying Neckbreaker for 11!

Psycho Savage arrogantly sets up Candiv in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Candiv onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Psycho Savage hatefully spikes Candiv into the mat with a Crucifix Powerbomb for a bone-crunching 5!

Psycho Savage hooks Candiv's arms behind his back and looks to the crowd. Psycho Savage is going to attempt a Tiger Driver and Candiv appears helpless... Psycho Savage lifts him upside-down and drops him head first to the mat for 4!

Psycho Savage tosses Candiv out of the ring for 1 damage but Candiv gets back in quickly. 1 damage!

Psycho Savage makes Surfboard for 2 damage.

Psycho Savage makes an extraordinary Rolling Senton Splash for 12 damage.
I'm glad that's not me in there!

Psycho Savage makes Face Lock for 1 damage.

Candiv grabs Psycho Savage's ankle and locks in a Ankle Lock for 1. Psycho Savage winces in agony!

Psycho Savage makes Flying shoulder block for 5 damage.

Psycho Savage tries to raise the ladder!
but Candiv stops him!

I was mugged yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

Psycho Savage makes CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for 21 damage.

Candiv grabs the arm of Psycho Savage and drops it over his shoulder for 4.

Psycho Savage makes an incredible Pumphandle Suplex for 10 damage.
Forget anything bad I ever said about this guy!

Candiv is on the mat... Psycho Savage executes a Low Blow Leg Drop for 2! I hope Candiv wasn't planning on having kids!

Psycho Savage makes SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for 5 damage.

Match over : Psycho Savage sets up the ladder and reaches the suitcase

Candiv Effects
Lose ladder +1
Money +154 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -1 Submission
Injury -1 Technique
Injury -1 Aerial
Consciousness damage 125
Vital Life damage 13
Doctor Level 2

Psycho Savage Effects
Win ladder +1
Money +621 $
Fame +9
Exp +3
Consciousness damage 45
Vital Life damage 5
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games