ChallengeId 4953893
Title Vader(337763) vs Alex Anderson(211572)
AttackerId 337763
DefenderId 211572
Created 2023-03-26 07:40:29
Status Fought
MatchType Table
WinnerId 211572

AutoHeal: Vader uses 42 Ap for healing 83 damage
AutoHeal: Alex Anderson uses 7 Ap for healing 14 damage
Alex Anderson has 400 hidden fame bonus from being a 4 times Legend !!
Vader looks like he should be in the hospital not in the ring.

Alex Anderson tries to make a Head Vice.
But Vader counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Vader tries to make a Turnbuckle smash.
But Alex Anderson counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Alex Anderson makes a Bite for 1 damage.
He's chewing on him like his life depended on it!

Alex Anderson makes an extraordinary Head scissors for 6 damage.
That was the prettiest thing I've ever seen!

Alex Anderson hooks both arms of Vader! He brings him to the mat back first for 1!

Alex Anderson captures a dazed Vader into a front face lock and hooks his leg. Vader is lifted up and over and collides with the mat hard for 3, while Alex Anderson maintains his grip and bridges his back for the pin! What an amazing Cradle Suplex!

Vader never should have stepped into the ring with this guy.

Vader tries to make a Rolling Germans.
But Alex Anderson counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Alex Anderson makes Elbow drop for 2 damage.

Vader tries to make a Figure four leg lock.
But Alex Anderson counters for 2 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Alex Anderson leaps mightily into the air and performs a Drop Kick, connecting right in the middle of Vader's chest for 3.

Alex Anderson makes Head Butt for 5 damage.

Alex Anderson makes Spinning punch for 1 damage.

Alex Anderson hooks Vader's arms behind his back and looks to the crowd. Alex Anderson is going to attempt a Tiger Driver and Vader appears helpless... Alex Anderson lifts him upside-down and drops him head first to the mat for 8!

Alex Anderson is setting up the table. He is dragging Vader up onto it. He is going for it, he is gonna try to slam him through the table. But Vader breaks it up.

Alex Anderson leaps from the top rope towards Vader, his arm extended. Alex Anderson nearly takes off Vader's head with a Flying Clothesline for 2.

Alex Anderson holds Vader in a standing front facelock then falls back, slamming Vader's head into the mat for 7. I think he tried to bury him with that DDT!

My brakes gave out at an intersection last week, and this is actually more exciting!

Anyone else think Vader was dumb to accept this match?

Vader tries to make a Shoulder Tackle.
But Alex Anderson counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Alex Anderson and Vader are staring each other down. OH! Alex Anderson shows Vader no respect and Slap's him across the face for 1!

Vader tries to make a Clothesline.
But Alex Anderson counters for 2 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Round and round Alex Anderson goes, I think his fist just broke Vader's nose! The Shoulder Tackle hits for 2!

Alex Anderson grabs Vader from behind, lifts him high, and delivers a crunching Atomic Drop for 2. Vader walks about gingerly while gently holding his bruised rump!

Vader charges Alex Anderson. Alex Anderson coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. Alex Anderson shoves his left arm under Vader's left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed Arm Drag Takedown for 1.

Alex Anderson grabs Vader on each side of the head and sticks his own head under Vader's chin. Alex Anderson drops sharply to his knees, smashing Vader's jaw. What a Jaw Breaker for 1!

Vader tries to make a Figure four leg lock.
But Alex Anderson counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Alex Anderson makes a pathetic German Suplex for 1 damage.
Vader is unfazed!

My brakes gave out at an intersection last week, and this is actually more exciting!

Anyone else think Vader was dumb to accept this match?

Vader tries to make a Sunset Flip.
But Alex Anderson counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Alex Anderson climbs to the second rope and waits for Vader to regain a vertical base. Alex Anderson leaps over Vader, grabbing his head and landing heavily, transferring the shock into a Flying Neckbreaker for 7!

Alex Anderson puts Vader ontop of the table. This time he is really going for it. He lifts him up..


Match over : Alex Anderson smashes the table and wins

Vader Effects
Lose table +1
Money +212 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -1 Submission
Injury -1 Technique
Consciousness damage 65
Vital Life damage 7
Doctor Level 2

Alex Anderson Effects
Win table +1
Money +798 $
Fame +6
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 1
Vital Life damage 1

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games