ChallengeId 4954915
Title The Dark Panther(283361) vs Dirty Dave(337557)
AttackerId 283361
DefenderId 337557
Created 2023-04-05 13:13:39
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 337557

AutoHeal: The Dark Panther uses 31 Ap for healing 62 damage
AutoHeal: Dirty Dave uses 21 Ap for healing 41 damage
The Dark Panther has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
The Dark Panther tries to make a Spinning Kick.
But Dirty Dave counters for 3 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

The Dark Panther makes a pathetic Elbow drop for 1 damage.
My grandmother could have executed that move better!

The Dark Panther tries to make a Gut Buster.
But Dirty Dave counters for 2 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

The Dark Panther stand Dirty Dave up... he's getting ready! The Dark Panther takes measure of Dirty Dave, jumps up and slams the top of his foot against the back of Dirty Dave's head hitting a Back Brain Kick for 3!

The Dark Panther makes a stupendous Kick for 3 damage.

The Dark Panther tenaciously traps Dirty Dave in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as The Dark Panther runs and leaps with Dirty Dave's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as The Dark Panther delivers a powerful Bulldog for 10!

Dirty Dave tries to make a Compactor.
But The Dark Panther counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

The Dark Panther is choking Dirty Dave for 3 damage, but the ref breaks it up!
He was flailing like a madman!

Dirty Dave makes a pathetic CROWN OF DIRT for 4 damage.
Well that hardly accomplished anything.
The submission fails.

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

The Dark Panther tries to make a Hanging Fallaway Suplex.
But Dirty Dave counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Into the ropes goes The Dark Panther... and he's brought down with a Big Boot for 2 from Dirty Dave!

The Dark Panther sends Dirty Dave into the ropes... The Dark Panther bends down and lifts Dirty Dave up and over to land hard on his back for 3.

The Dark Panther is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Dirty Dave's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 6!

The Dark Panther smashes Dirty Dave head into the turnbuckle



He's stumbling around like a drunk!

Dirty Dave grabs the arm of The Dark Panther and drops it over his shoulder for 4.

The Dark Panther gets ready. he's setting Dirty Dave up. The Dark Panther lifts Dirty Dave up across his shoulders, then applies pressure to Dirty Dave's neck and leg, bending him backwards in an Argentine Back Breaker for 2! He's trying to snap him in half!
Dirty Dave slips out of the move.

Dirty Dave makes a pathetic Leg Split for 1 damage.
Dirty Dave is really sucking tonight.

Dirty Dave leans prostate in the corner! The Dark Panther walks over and angrily Stomp's a mudhole right into Dirty Dave's face and chest for 2!

Dirty Dave grabs the arm of The Dark Panther and drops it over his shoulder for 5.

Dirty Dave tries to make a Small Package.
But The Dark Panther counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

The Dark Panther makes a stupendous Leg Split for 7 damage.
Dirty Dave is left twitching on the mat!

The Dark Panther tries to make a Gorilla Press.
But Dirty Dave counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

The Dark Panther tries to make a Electric Chair.
But Dirty Dave counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Dirty Dave throws The Dark Panther toward the ropes with a hard Irish Whip! Dirty Dave tries to leap over The Dark Panther but is caught by surprise with a lightning-fast Clothesline for 5!

The Dark Panther is sent into the ropes... Dirty Dave gets a running start and performs a Drop Kick for 8, sending The Dark Panther back staggering!

Into the ropes goes The Dark Panther... and he's brought down with a Big Boot for 4 from Dirty Dave!

I was in a barroom brawl an hour ago, and this is actually more exciting!

The Dark Panther leaps from the top rope towards Dirty Dave, his arm extended. The Dark Panther nearly takes off Dirty Dave's head with a Flying Clothesline for 8.

Dirty Dave delivers a flesh-rending RIC FLAIR CHOP across The Dark Panther's chest for 1! The tremendous impact echoes throughout the arena! WOOOOOO!

The Dark Panther wraps his arms around Dirty Dave, lifts him up and hits a Belly to Belly suplex for 3!

The Dark Panther makes Monkey Flip for 1 damage.

The Dark Panther makes Elbow drop for 4 damage.

The Dark Panther makes Hanging Fallaway Suplex for 5 damage.

Dirty Dave wraps his arms around The Dark Panther, lifts him up and hits a Belly to Belly suplex for 9!

Dirty Dave puts The Dark Panther into a pin!



but The Dark Panther kicks out of it!

The Dark Panther breaks Dirty Dave's momentum with a Knee to Gut for 3.

The Dark Panther puts Dirty Dave into a pin!



but Dirty Dave kicks out of it!

After absorbing some tremendous blows Dirty Dave is left groggy, allowing The Dark Panther to easily slip behind him and lock in an excruciating Cobra Clutch for 6!
Dirty Dave slips out of the move.

The Dark Panther tries to make a Shoulder Block.
But Dirty Dave counters for 3 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

These two make everyone else pale in comparison to their talent!

The Dark Panther makes an extraordinary Leg Twist for 6 damage.
I bet his cage is rattled after that one!

The Dark Panther makes Face Lock for 3 damage.
The submission fails.

Dirty Dave makes Snap Suplex for 2 damage.

The Dark Panther makes Lionsault for 6 damage.

Dirty Dave deftly maneuvers himself behind The Dark Panther and locks him into control with an expertly applied Chicken Wing for 4!
The Dark Panther slips out of the move.

The Dark Panther makes a pathetic Neckbreaker for 1 damage.
Dirty Dave must be impervious!

Dirty Dave makes a pathetic Sleeper hold for 1 damage.
The Dark Panther laughs in Dirty Dave's face!
The Dark Panther slips out of the move.

The Dark Panther wraps his arms around Dirty Dave's waist and lower back and begins to squeeze executing a Bear Hug for 4. Dirty Dave is gasping for air!
Dirty Dave slips out of the move.

Dirty Dave makes Leg Drop for 7 damage.

The Dark Panther tries to make a Argentine Back Breaker.
But Dirty Dave counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

The Dark Panther puts Dirty Dave into a pin!



but Dirty Dave kicks out of it!

Dirty Dave makes an extraordinary Leg Breaker for 9 damage.
The Dark Panther is gasping for air like a dying fish!

Dirty Dave puts The Dark Panther into a pin!



but The Dark Panther kicks out of it!

I was mugged yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

The Dark Panther sits the downed Dirty Dave upright, then clamps a hand on either side of Dirty Dave's head and begins to apply all the pressure he can muster with a painful Head Vice for 1.
The submission fails.

Dirty Dave makes an incredible Front Powerslam for 9 damage.
The Dark Panther was thrown around like a dog's chew-toy!

The Dark Panther makes Sleeper hold for 5 damage.
The submission fails.

Dirty Dave tosses The Dark Panther out of the ring for 7 damage!
Will he make it back in?
The ref starts the count!
The Dark Panther does not make it back to the ring.

Match over : Dirty Dave wins by knockout

The Dark Panther Effects
Lose by knockout +1
Money +65 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 96
Vital Life damage 10
Doctor Level 2

Dirty Dave Effects
Win by knockout +1
Money +221 $
Fame +7
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 98
Vital Life damage 10
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games