ChallengeId 4954994
Title _The Gravedigger_(81000) vs Mister Creosote(337628)
AttackerId 81000
DefenderId 337628
Created 2023-04-06 02:19:54
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 81000

AutoHeal: _The Gravedigger_ uses 11 Ap for healing 21 damage
AutoHeal: Mister Creosote uses 19 Ap for healing 38 damage
_The Gravedigger_ has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
_The Gravedigger_ tries to make a Top-rope splash.
But Mister Creosote counters for 6 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Mister Creosote makes a stupendous Irish Whip into the corner for 1 damage.

Mister Creosote makes Top-rope splash for 7 damage.

Mister Creosote charges _The Gravedigger_ and executes a beautiful Spear for 10, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

Mister Creosote tries to make a Monkey Flip.
But _The Gravedigger_ counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Into the ropes goes _The Gravedigger_... and he's brought down with a Big Boot for 5 from Mister Creosote!

_The Gravedigger_ waves his hands in a slightly menacing and vaguely martial arts fashion, then does a sidestep and drives a Thrust Kick into Mister Creosote's face for 2!

Mister Creosote makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ hooks both arms of Mister Creosote! He brings him to the mat back first for 6!
_The Gravedigger_ puts Mister Creosote into a pin!



but Mister Creosote kicks out of it!

_The Gravedigger_ charges Mister Creosote. Mister Creosote coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. Mister Creosote shoves his left arm under _The Gravedigger_'s left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed Arm Drag Takedown for 2.

Mister Creosote deftly sidesteps _The Gravedigger_'s attack, moves behind him and locks in a Full Nelson for 1!
The submission fails.

Mister Creosote makes Flying shoulder block for 3 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ tries to make a Tilt-a-Whirl Slam.
But Mister Creosote counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Mister Creosote makes Half Nelson for 1 damage.
_The Gravedigger_ slips out of the move.

_The Gravedigger_ tries to make a Abdominal Stretch.
But Mister Creosote counters for 2 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Mister Creosote tosses _The Gravedigger_ out of the ring for 9 damage!
Will he make it back in?
The ref starts the count!
_The Gravedigger_ makes it back to the ring.

Mister Creosote makes Heel Kick for 4 damage.

Wow, I think someone needs to restart my heart!

_The Gravedigger_ makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

Mister Creosote squats down over a prone _The Gravedigger_ and hooks his elbows over his knees. Mister Creosote locks his hands under _The Gravedigger_'s chin, sits, and pulls back with ferocity, inflicting a painful Camel Clutch for 5.
_The Gravedigger_ slips out of the move.

_The Gravedigger_ makes Wheel Kick for 2 damage.

Mister Creosote makes Kick for 1 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ summons all of his strength and lifts Mister Creosote high into the air by his throat! _The Gravedigger_ then brings Mister Creosote crashing down to the mat for a devastating Chokeslam for 1!

Mister Creosote makes a stupendous Drop toe hold for 2 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ tries to make a Vertical Suplex.
But Mister Creosote counters for 3 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Mister Creosote maliciously thrusts a finger into _The Gravedigger_'s eye for 1! Even if _The Gravedigger_ had goggles, they probably would have done nothing to protect him from that Eye Gouge!

_The Gravedigger_ makes Wheel Kick for 4 damage.

Mister Creosote makes Heel Kick for 5 damage.

My brakes gave out at an intersection last week, and this is actually more exciting!

_The Gravedigger_ wraps his arms around Mister Creosote, lifts him up and hits a Belly to Belly suplex for 8!

Mister Creosote makes Underhook Suplex for 4 damage.

Mister Creosote puts _The Gravedigger_ into a pin!



but _The Gravedigger_ kicks out of it!

_The Gravedigger_ makes a stupendous Irish Whip into the corner for 1 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ catches Mister Creosote off guard and goes for a quick win! He puts him into a INHUMATION for 5 and the ref begins the count!
_The Gravedigger_ puts Mister Creosote into a pin!



but Mister Creosote kicks out of it!

Mister Creosote makes Tilt-a-Whirl Slam for 6 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ makes Flying Spin kick for 5 damage.

Mister Creosote makes Splash for 5 damage.

_The Gravedigger_ tries to make a Chokeslam.
But Mister Creosote counters for 5 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

_The Gravedigger_ tries to make a Head Butt.
But Mister Creosote counters for 2 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

_The Gravedigger_ tries to make a Irish Whip into the corner.
But Mister Creosote counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Mister Creosote performs a Stomp for 2. He's stomping on _The Gravedigger_ like a caller at a square dance!

_The Gravedigger_ makes a pathetic Elbow drop for 1 damage.
Well that hardly accomplished anything.

_The Gravedigger_ moves feebly on the mat! Ever the opportunist, Mister Creosote quickly climbs up to the top turnbuckle of a nearby corner and takes to the air! He gracefully leaps and twists while aloft, coming down and connecting with a solid Corkscrew moonsault for 9!

_The Gravedigger_ captures a dazed Mister Creosote into a front face lock and hooks his leg. Mister Creosote is lifted up and over and collides with the mat hard for 5, while _The Gravedigger_ maintains his grip and bridges his back for the pin! What an amazing LUCKYPLEX!
_The Gravedigger_ puts Mister Creosote into a pin!



but Mister Creosote kicks out of it!

Mister Creosote holds _The Gravedigger_ in a standing front facelock then falls back, slamming _The Gravedigger_'s head into the mat for 14. I think he tried to bury him with that HOLY GRAIL!

_The Gravedigger_ is on the top rope and flies through the air, landing the Flying Elbow Drop for 7. _The Gravedigger_ just drove his elbow right into the chest of Mister Creosote!

Mister Creosote holds _The Gravedigger_ in a standing front facelock then falls back, slamming _The Gravedigger_'s head into the mat for 2. I think he tried to bury him with that HOLY GRAIL!

My brakes gave out at an intersection last week, and this is actually more exciting!

Mister Creosote is helpless on the mat! _The Gravedigger_ positions himself at Mister Creosote's head and pulls him into a sitting position, resting against _The Gravedigger_'s knee. _The Gravedigger_ wraps his arm around his opponent's chin and begins to pull back HARD, executing a tendon-tearing Chin lock for 2!
Mister Creosote slips out of the move.

Mister Creosote captures _The Gravedigger_'s leg. _The Gravedigger_ hops about and pleads for mercy, but Mister Creosote grins maliciously and nods his head. Mister Creosote then torques _The Gravedigger_'s ankle and brings him to the ground with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1!

Mister Creosote puts _The Gravedigger_ into a pin!



but _The Gravedigger_ kicks out of it!

Mister Creosote makes a Fish Slapping Dance for 4 damage.
Since when did this turn into GLOW?!

_The Gravedigger_ makes Head scissors for 2 damage.
Mister Creosote slips out of the move.

_The Gravedigger_ puts Mister Creosote into a pin!




The match is over !!!

Match over : _The Gravedigger_ wins by pin

_The Gravedigger_ Effects
Win by pin +1
Money +469 $
Fame +8
Exp +5
Injury -1 Strength
Consciousness damage 125
Vital Life damage 13
Doctor Level 2

Mister Creosote Effects
Lose by pin +1
Money +120 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 53
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games