ChallengeId 4955045
Title Dyna Mike Duncan(68566) vs Kamikaze(337591)
AttackerId 68566
DefenderId 337591
Created 2023-04-07 08:59:51
Status Fought
MatchType Cage
WinnerId 68566

Dyna Mike Duncan has 1000 hidden fame bonus from being a 10 times Legend !!
Kamikaze is almost finished!

Kamikaze sneers at the downed Dyna Mike Duncan with contempt, then crouches and leaps, executing a Summersault Legdrop for 7!

Kamikaze makes Electric Chair for 5 damage.

Kamikaze makes Shoulder Block for 4 damage.

Dyna Mike Duncan charges Kamikaze and executes a beautiful DECIMATOR for 6, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

Match over : Dyna Mike Duncan survives and climbs out of the cage and wins the match

Dyna Mike Duncan Effects
Win cage +1
Money +1310 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 16
Vital Life damage 2
Doctor Level 1

Kamikaze Effects
Lose cage +1
Money +510 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 6
Vital Life damage 1
Doctor Level 1

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games