ChallengeId 4957840
Title Lucky Lou Lamont(337665) vs The Riot(337532)
AttackerId 337665
DefenderId 337532
Created 2023-04-29 10:05:17
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 337532

AutoHeal: Lucky Lou Lamont uses 24 Ap for healing 47 damage
The Riot has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Lucky Lou Lamont makes Sleeper hold for 5 damage.
The Riot slips out of the move.

The Riot makes Sleeper hold for 4 damage.
Lucky Lou Lamont slips out of the move.

Lucky Lou Lamont grabs The Riot's arm under his own and steps around behind him. Lucky Lou Lamont hooks a leg over The Riot's thigh and tightens his grip, placing The Riot in a painful Abdominal Stretch for 1.
The submission fails.

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Lou Kick for 8 damage.

The Riot makes a REBELLION for 17 damage.
I think I have his brains on my pants!

Lucky Lou Lamont tenaciously traps The Riot in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as Lucky Lou Lamont runs and leaps with The Riot's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as Lucky Lou Lamont delivers a powerful Bulldog for 4!

The Riot tries to make a Drop toe hold.
But Lucky Lou Lamont counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont is lifted up and is brought down back first onto The Riot's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 9!

My wife gave birth yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Spinning Kick.
But The Riot counters for 2 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Stall Suplex for 11 damage.

The Riot tries to make a Leg Breaker.
But Lucky Lou Lamont counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

The Riot tries to make a Bite.
But Lucky Lou Lamont counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

The Riot charges Lucky Lou Lamont and executes a beautiful CIVIL UNREST for 11, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

The Riot puts Lucky Lou Lamont into a pin!



but Lucky Lou Lamont kicks out of it!

The Riot is sent into the ropes... Lucky Lou Lamont gets a running start and performs a Drop Kick for 1, sending The Riot back staggering!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Shoulder Block for 6 damage.

The Riot tenaciously traps Lucky Lou Lamont in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as The Riot runs and leaps with Lucky Lou Lamont's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as The Riot delivers a powerful Bulldog for 7!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Shoulder Thrust for 2 damage.

The Riot makes a pathetic Fallaway Slam for 1 damage.
Did I miss something that made that move suck so bad?

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

The Riot rakes the back of Lucky Lou Lamont for 1! What does he do, file his nails to make it hurt more?

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Gut Buster for 6 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Back Brain Kick.
But The Riot counters for 4 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

The Riot sneers at the downed Lucky Lou Lamont with contempt, then crouches and leaps, executing a Summersault Legdrop for 5!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes a stupendous Half Nelson for 3 damage.
The Riot slips out of the move.

The Riot makes a stupendous Shoulder Thrust for 3 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont stands behind The Riot and grabs his wrists. Lucky Lou Lamont kneels down, plants a knee in The Riot's back and pulls HARD, executing a Bow and Arrow for 1!
The Riot slips out of the move.

The Riot makes an extraordinary Gut Buster for 9 damage.
I'm glad that's not me in there!

The Riot puts Lucky Lou Lamont into a pin!




The match is over !!!

Match over : The Riot wins by pin

Lucky Lou Lamont Effects
Lose by pin +1
Money +140 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 73
Vital Life damage 8
Doctor Level 2

The Riot Effects
Win by pin +1
Money +362 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 52
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games