ChallengeId 4958046
Title The Bull(337530) vs Fleur DeLea(337545)
AttackerId 337530
DefenderId 337545
Created 2023-05-01 08:40:23
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 337530

AutoHeal: The Bull uses 3 Ap for healing 6 damage
AutoHeal: Fleur DeLea uses 23 Ap for healing 45 damage
The Bull has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Fleur DeLea has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
The Bull makes a stupendous Hip toss for 2 damage.

Fleur DeLea tries to make a Boston Crab.
But The Bull counters for 4 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

The Bull captures Fleur DeLea's leg. Fleur DeLea hops about and pleads for mercy, but The Bull grins maliciously and nods his head. The Bull then torques Fleur DeLea's ankle and brings him to the ground with a Dragon Leg Screw for 1!

Fleur DeLea leans prostate in the corner! The Bull walks over and angrily Stomp's a mudhole right into Fleur DeLea's face and chest for 1!

Fleur DeLea grabs The Bull by the throat and slams him down for 8 damage.

The Bull grabs Fleur DeLea by the wrist and ducks underneath it, giving it a good, solid twist and locking in a Arm Bar for 4.
The submission fails.

Fleur DeLea climbs to the second rope and waits for The Bull to regain a vertical base. Fleur DeLea leaps over The Bull, grabbing his head and landing heavily, transferring the shock into a Flying Neckbreaker for 8!

Fleur DeLea yanks The Bull to the mat with a Hair Pull for 1! This should be illegal... it must be a Greco-Roman hair pull!

The Bull tries to make a Chokeslam.
But Fleur DeLea counters for 1 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

My town got attacked by hordes of the undead, and this is actually more exciting!

Fleur DeLea makes Flying shoulder block for 4 damage.

Fleur DeLea is sitting up, dazed. The Bull takes advantage and flips over Fleur DeLea, grabbing his head in the air and violently snapping it forward with a Neck Snap for 9!

The Bull grabs the arm of Fleur DeLea and drops it over his shoulder for 4.

The Bull makes a stupendous Kick for 3 damage.

The Bull is down... Fleur DeLea climbs the ropes and leaps with his arms out to the side and buries his head into The Bull's chest with a Diving Headbutt for 2!

The Bull lifts Fleur DeLea into a suplex postion and drops Fleur DeLea straight on his head with a Brain Buster for 8.

The Bull is lying supine... Fleur DeLea capitalizes and grabs The Bull's ankles and hooks them, stepping over into a Boston Crab for a painful 5!
The submission fails.

The Bull tries to make a Back Brain Kick.
But Fleur DeLea counters for 4 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Fleur DeLea grabs the arm of The Bull and drops it over his shoulder for 10.

I was in a nursing home brawl once, and this is actually more exciting!

The Bull delivers a flesh-rending Chop across Fleur DeLea's chest for 1! The tremendous impact echoes throughout the arena! WOOOOOO!

The Bull is lying on the ropes trying to catch his breath... OH MY! Fleur DeLea grabs the back of The Bull's head and jumps to the arena floor, clotheslining The Bull on the top rope with a sneaky Ring Rope Clothesline Snap for 10!

The Bull leaps from the top rope towards Fleur DeLea, his arm extended. The Bull nearly takes off Fleur DeLea's head with a LOAD OF BULL for 21.

Fleur DeLea hooks both arms of The Bull! He brings him to the mat back first for 1!
Fleur DeLea puts The Bull into a pin!



but The Bull kicks out of it!

The Bull winds up with a closed fist and drives it forward right into Fleur DeLea's head! A Punch for 1!

The Bull rakes the back of Fleur DeLea for 1 damage.

Fleur DeLea is lying on the ropes trying to catch his breath... OH MY! The Bull grabs the back of Fleur DeLea's head and jumps to the arena floor, clotheslining Fleur DeLea on the top rope with a sneaky Ring Rope Clothesline Snap for 11!

The Bull grabs Fleur DeLea's arm under his own and steps around behind him. The Bull hooks a leg over Fleur DeLea's thigh and tightens his grip, placing Fleur DeLea in a painful Abdominal Stretch for 2.
That's it! Fleur DeLea throws in the towel!

Match over : The Bull wins by submission

The Bull Effects
Win by submission +1
Money +464 $
Fame +6
Exp +4
Consciousness damage 54
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Fleur DeLea Effects
Lose by submission +1
Money +166 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 73
Vital Life damage 8
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games