ChallengeId 4958274
Title TOURNAMENT MATCH: Lucky Lou Lamont(337665) vs Candiv(102663)
AttackerId 337665
DefenderId 102663
Created 2023-05-04 00:03:06
Status Fought
MatchType Table
WinnerId 102663

AutoHeal: Lucky Lou Lamont uses 66 Ap for healing 132 damage
AutoHeal: Candiv uses 69 Ap for healing 138 damage
Candiv has 700 hidden fame bonus from being a 7 times Legend !!
Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Missile Dropkick.
But Candiv counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Candiv tenaciously traps Lucky Lou Lamont in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as Candiv runs and leaps with Lucky Lou Lamont's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as Candiv delivers a powerful CRYPTO CRASH for 1!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Front Suplex for 8 damage.

Candiv makes Splash for 3 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Spinning punch for 2 damage.

Candiv grabs Lucky Lou Lamont's ankle and locks in a Ankle Lock for 4. Lucky Lou Lamont winces in agony!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Full Nelson Slam.
But Candiv counters for 4 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Candiv tries to make a Diving Headbutt.
But Lucky Lou Lamont counters for 8 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Lamont Lament.
But Candiv counters for 11 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Flying Shoulder Breaker.
But Candiv counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

I was in a barroom brawl an hour ago, and this is actually more exciting!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Shooting Star Press.
But Candiv counters for 5 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Lucky Lou Lamont catches Candiv off guard and goes for a quick win! He puts him into a Compactor for 1 and the ref begins the count!

Lucky Lou Lamont is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Candiv's knee for a devastating CHINA SYNDROME, hitting for 10!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes a pathetic Elbow drop for 1 damage.
My grandmother could have executed that move better!

Lucky Lou Lamont leans prostate in the corner! Candiv walks over and angrily Stomp's a mudhole right into Lucky Lou Lamont's face and chest for 1!

Candiv makes a pathetic Flying Spin kick for 2 damage.
Candiv is really sucking tonight.

Lucky Lou Lamont yanks Candiv to the mat with a Hair Pull for 1! This should be illegal... it must be a Greco-Roman hair pull!

Candiv tries to make a Boston Crab.
But Lucky Lou Lamont counters for 4 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Lucky Lou Lamont arrogantly sets up Candiv in a standing headscissors and takes his time to survey the crowd's reaction. He then leans forward and mightily flips and heaves Candiv onto his shoulder and finally raises him high into the air with arms outstretched. After a slight pause, Lucky Lou Lamont hatefully spikes Candiv into the mat with a Crucifix Powerbomb for a bone-crunching 1!

Candiv is setting up the table. He is dragging Lucky Lou Lamont up onto it. He is going for it, he is gonna try to slam him through the table. But Lucky Lou Lamont breaks it up.

My town got attacked by hordes of the undead, and this is actually more exciting!

Candiv makes Shooting Star Press for 12 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont rakes the back of Candiv for 1! What does he do, file his nails to make it hurt more?

Lucky Lou Lamont locks Candiv's leg under his armpit and leans back in a Achilles Tendon Hold for 3! The pain must be excruciating!

Candiv makes an incredible Shoulder Block for 8 damage.
I think I saw his spit land in the audience because of that hit!

Lucky Lou Lamont bounces off the ropes, and flips over Candiv, grabbing the waist and pulling him over with a Sunset Flip for 1!

Candiv makes Fallaway Slam for 8 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Tilt-a-Whirl Slam.
But Candiv counters for 1 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Candiv hooks both arms of Lucky Lou Lamont! He brings him to the mat back first for 1!

Lucky Lou Lamont sneers at the downed Candiv with contempt, then crouches and leaps, executing a Summersault Legdrop for 1!

I was mugged yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

Lucky Lou Lamont grabs Candiv by the wrist and ducks underneath it, giving it a good, solid twist and locking in a Arm Bar for 6.

Candiv grabs Lucky Lou Lamont by the throat and slams him down for 2 damage.

Candiv is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Lucky Lou Lamont's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 3!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes an extraordinary Gut Buster for 9 damage.

Candiv is setting up the table. He is dragging Lucky Lou Lamont up onto it. He is going for it, he is gonna try to slam him through the table. But Lucky Lou Lamont breaks it up.

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Flying neck snap for 11 damage.

Candiv sends Lucky Lou Lamont into the ropes... Candiv bends down and lifts Lucky Lou Lamont up and over to land hard on his back for 6.

Lucky Lou Lamont gets ready. he's setting Candiv up. Lucky Lou Lamont lifts Candiv up across his shoulders, then applies pressure to Candiv's neck and leg, bending him backwards in an Argentine Back Breaker for 5! He's trying to snap him in half!

In the middle of an exchange of blows Candiv quickly counters, capturing Lucky Lou Lamont's arm and driving him to the mat. He traps Lucky Lou Lamont's arm between his legs, locks his own hands across Lucky Lou Lamont's face, and begins to tug and pull back with all his might for 4! This Crossface is locked in tight!

Lucky Lou Lamont lifts Candiv into a suplex postion and drops Candiv straight on his head with a Brain Buster for 11.

Candiv makes Gut Wrench Suplex for 7 damage.

My town got attacked by hordes of the undead, and this is actually more exciting!

Lucky Lou Lamont charges Candiv and executes a beautiful Spear for 7, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

Lucky Lou Lamont is setting up the table. He is dragging Candiv up onto it. He is going for it, he is gonna try to slam him through the table. But Candiv breaks it up.

Candiv makes Snake Eyes for 4 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont gets ready. he's setting Candiv up. Lucky Lou Lamont lifts Candiv up across his shoulders, then applies pressure to Candiv's neck and leg, bending him backwards in an Argentine Back Breaker for 5! He's trying to snap him in half!

Candiv makes Surfboard for 3 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont advances upon Candiv and pushes him off balance, skillfully ending the exchange and sending Candiv to the floor with a Back Heel Trip for 1!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes Heel Kick for 3 damage.

Candiv makes Leg Drop for 2 damage.

Candiv makes Splash for 4 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont makes a stupendous Gut Buster for 10 damage.
You saw it here folks!

Candiv tenaciously traps Lucky Lou Lamont in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as Candiv runs and leaps with Lucky Lou Lamont's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as Candiv delivers a powerful CRYPTO CRASH for 25!

Match over : Candiv smashes the table and wins

Lucky Lou Lamont Effects
Lose table +1
Money +315 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -2 Strength
Injury -2 Submission
Injury -1 Technique
Injury -2 Aerial
Injury -2 Consciousness
Consciousness damage 131
Vital Life damage 14
Doctor Level 2

Candiv Effects
Win table +1
Money +768 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 103
Vital Life damage 11
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games