ChallengeId 4958956
Title The Dark Panther(283361) vs Psycho Savage(250808)
AttackerId 283361
DefenderId 250808
Created 2023-05-09 03:40:44
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 283361

AutoHeal: The Dark Panther uses 17 Ap for healing 34 damage
AutoHeal: Psycho Savage uses 35 Ap for healing 69 damage
The Dark Panther has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Psycho Savage has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
The Dark Panther tries to make a Spear.
But Psycho Savage counters for 4 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

The Dark Panther grabs Psycho Savage by the wrist and ducks underneath it, giving it a good, solid twist and locking in a Arm Bar for 6.
The submission fails.

Psycho Savage tries to make a Snap Suplex.
But The Dark Panther counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

The Dark Panther makes Flying Cross Body for 4 damage.

Psycho Savage makes an incredible Face Lock for 4 damage.
The submission fails.

The Dark Panther makes an incredible Spring Board Moonsault for 9 damage.
Psycho Savage was thrown around like a dog's chew-toy!

Psycho Savage tries to make a Monkey Flip.
But The Dark Panther counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

The Dark Panther tenaciously traps Psycho Savage in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as The Dark Panther runs and leaps with Psycho Savage's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as The Dark Panther delivers a powerful Bulldog for 8!

Psycho Savage makes Flying Cross Body for 2 damage.

The Dark Panther makes Stall Suplex for 11 damage.

Psycho Savage deftly maneuvers himself behind The Dark Panther and locks him into control with an expertly applied Chicken Wing for 3!
The submission fails.

The Dark Panther makes Wheel Kick for 3 damage.

The Dark Panther breaks Psycho Savage's momentum with a Knee to Gut for 3.

Psycho Savage makes Flying Headscissors Takedown for 5 damage.

My brakes gave out at an intersection last week, and this is actually more exciting!

The Dark Panther smashes Psycho Savage head into the turnbuckle





He's stumbling around like a drunk!

Psycho Savage makes Head Butt for 3 damage.

The Dark Panther sits the downed Psycho Savage upright, then clamps a hand on either side of Psycho Savage's head and begins to apply all the pressure he can muster with a painful Head Vice for 2.
The submission fails.

Psycho Savage tenaciously traps The Dark Panther in a head lock and then points straight ahead. The crowd roars as Psycho Savage runs and leaps with The Dark Panther's head in tow! Both wrestlers land on the mat with a crunching thud as Psycho Savage delivers a powerful EUTHANASIA for 15!

The Dark Panther tries to make a 450 Splash.
But Psycho Savage counters for 8 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

The Dark Panther lifts Psycho Savage up and brings him crashing down bottom first on his knee. The Atomic Drop hits for a thundering 2! That's his tailbone, ladies and gentlemen!

Psycho Savage tries to make a Back Slide.
But The Dark Panther counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

The Dark Panther breaks Psycho Savage's momentum with a Knee to Gut for 2.

The Dark Panther throws Psycho Savage toward the ropes with a hard Irish Whip! The Dark Panther tries to leap over Psycho Savage but is caught by surprise with a lightning-fast Clothesline for 2!

I stared at the sun for WAY to long, and this is actually more exciting!

Psycho Savage is sent into the ropes... The Dark Panther gets a running start and performs a Drop Kick for 1, sending Psycho Savage back staggering!

The Dark Panther puts Psycho Savage into a pin!



but Psycho Savage kicks out of it!

Psycho Savage grabs the leg of The Dark Panther, rotates arounds and locks in the Figure four leg lock for 5. Will The Dark Panther tap out?
The submission fails.

The Dark Panther makes a pathetic Scorpion Deathlock for 1 damage.
Well that hardly accomplished anything.
That's it! Psycho Savage throws in the towel!

Match over : The Dark Panther wins by submission

The Dark Panther Effects
Win by submission +1
Money +299 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 51
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Psycho Savage Effects
Lose by submission +1
Money +93 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 57
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games