ChallengeId 4958985
Title TOURNAMENT MATCH: Dyna Mike Duncan(68566) vs Insano(337707)
AttackerId 68566
DefenderId 337707
Created 2023-05-10 00:03:03
Status Fought
MatchType Cage
WinnerId 68566

AutoHeal: Insano uses 55 Ap for healing 109 damage
Dyna Mike Duncan has 1000 hidden fame bonus from being a 10 times Legend !!
Insano tries to make a DDT.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 7 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Insano leans prostate in the corner! Dyna Mike Duncan walks over and angrily Stomp's a mudhole right into Insano's face and chest for 2!

Insano charges Dyna Mike Duncan. Dyna Mike Duncan coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. Dyna Mike Duncan shoves his left arm under Insano's left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed Arm Drag Takedown for 3.

Insano makes Sleeper hold for 2 damage.

Dyna Mike Duncan bounces off the ropes, and flips over Insano, grabbing the waist and pulling him over with a Sunset Flip for 1!

Insano makes German Suplex for 2 damage.

Insano is tossed over the top rope and slams right into the cage!
4 damage!

Round and round Insano goes, I think his fist just broke Dyna Mike Duncan's nose! The Shoulder Tackle hits for 3!

Dyna Mike Duncan is sitting up, dazed. Insano takes advantage and flips over Dyna Mike Duncan, grabbing his head in the air and violently snapping it forward with a Neck Snap for 3!

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

Dyna Mike Duncan is sitting up, dazed. Insano takes advantage and flips over Dyna Mike Duncan, grabbing his head in the air and violently snapping it forward with a Neck Snap for 7!

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to make a Drop Kick.
But Insano counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Insano tries to make a Pile Driver.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 3 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Insano makes a Shining Wizard for 4 damage.
I think I have his brains on my pants!

Dyna Mike Duncan bounces off the ropes, and flips over Insano, grabbing the waist and pulling him over with a Sunset Flip for 1!

Insano makes Shoulder Thrust for 1 damage.

Dyna Mike Duncan captures a dazed Insano into a front face lock and hooks his leg. Insano is lifted up and over and collides with the mat hard for 1, while Dyna Mike Duncan maintains his grip and bridges his back for the pin! What an amazing Cradle Suplex!

Dyna Mike Duncan squats down over a prone Insano and hooks his elbows over his knees. Dyna Mike Duncan locks his hands under Insano's chin, sits, and pulls back with ferocity, inflicting a painful Camel Clutch for 2.

Insano tries to make a Sleeper hold.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Scorpion Deathlock for 2 damage.

My house caught fire this morning, and this is actually more exciting!

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to make a Cobra Clutch.
But Insano counters for 3 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Dyna Mike Duncan is out cold on his feet! Insano takes advantage and charges at his opponent, bringing Dyna Mike Duncan down with an amazing Clothesline for 7!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes an incredible ARROGANCE PERSONIFIED for 18 damage.
Wow, he must only suck every other day!

Insano tries to make a Turnbuckle smash.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 2 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Insano hooks both arms of Dyna Mike Duncan! He brings him to the mat back first for 1!

Insano tries to get out of the cage!
but Dyna Mike Duncan stops him!

Dyna Mike Duncan hooks both arms of Insano! He brings him to the mat back first for 1!

Insano charges Dyna Mike Duncan. Dyna Mike Duncan coolly slaps his left shoulder with his right hand. Dyna Mike Duncan shoves his left arm under Insano's left arm and falls to the mat, pulling his adversary with him in a well-executed Arm Drag Takedown for 3.

Insano is lying supine... Dyna Mike Duncan capitalizes and grabs Insano's ankles and hooks them, stepping over into a Boston Crab for a painful 4!

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to get out of the cage!
but Insano stops him!

Insano tries to make a Insane Takedown.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 6 damage.
Whoa! Close call there!

Insano charges Dyna Mike Duncan and executes a beautiful Spear for 1, nearly impaling him with his shoulder. He went through him like grass through a goose!

I was mugged yesterday, and this is actually more exciting!

Dyna Mike Duncan grabs Insano around the waist. Dyna Mike Duncan suplexes once.... twice.... three times! There it is folks, a Rolling Germans for 10!

Dyna Mike Duncan bounces off the ropes, and flips over Insano, grabbing the waist and pulling him over with a Sunset Flip for 1!

Insano tries to make a Irish Whip into the corner.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Insano yanks Dyna Mike Duncan to the mat with a Hair Pull for 1! This should be illegal... it must be a Greco-Roman hair pull!

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to make a Cobra Clutch.
But Insano counters for 2 damage.
I bet he's glad he got out of that one!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes an incredible Northern Lights Suplex/Pin for 8 damage.
That was the prettiest thing I've ever seen!

Insano tries to make a Insane Package.
But Dyna Mike Duncan counters for 4 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes an incredible German Suplex for 5 damage.
Insano is gasping for air like a dying fish!

Dyna Mike Duncan grabs Insano's arm under his own and steps around behind him. Dyna Mike Duncan hooks a leg over Insano's thigh and tightens his grip, placing Insano in a painful Abdominal Stretch for 5.

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to make a Shoulder Tackle.
But Insano counters for 2 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Dyna Mike Duncan tries to get out of the cage!
but Insano stops him!

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

Dyna Mike Duncan makes Northern Lights Suplex/Pin for 5 damage.

Dyna Mike Duncan is lying on the ropes trying to catch his breath... OH MY! Insano grabs the back of Dyna Mike Duncan's head and jumps to the arena floor, clotheslining Dyna Mike Duncan on the top rope with a sneaky Insane Snap for 14!

Insano is sitting up, dazed. Dyna Mike Duncan takes advantage and flips over Insano, grabbing his head in the air and violently snapping it forward with a DECAPITATOR for 26!

Match over : Dyna Mike Duncan survives and climbs out of the cage and wins the match

Dyna Mike Duncan Effects
Win cage +1
Money +852 $
Fame +6
Exp +4
Consciousness damage 54
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Insano Effects
Lose cage +1
Money +412 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Injury -1 Aerial
Injury -2 Consciousness
Consciousness damage 126
Vital Life damage 13
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games