ChallengeId 5018598
Title TITLE MATCH: Damon Imparable(307076) vs Dan The Man(338058)
AttackerId 307076
DefenderId 338058
Created 2024-09-19 00:03:07
Status Fought
MatchType Table
WinnerId 307076
AutoHeal: Damon Imparable uses 38 Ap for healing 76 damage
Damon Imparable has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Dan The Man is staggering around the ring!
Round and round Damon Imparable goes, I think his fist just broke Dan The Man's nose! The Shoulder Tackle hits for 3!
Damon Imparable makes an extraordinary Flying neck snap for 14 damage.
I think I saw his spit land in the audience because of that hit!
Dan The Man tries to make a Shoulder Tackle.
But Damon Imparable counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!
Damon Imparable delivers a flesh-rending Chop across Dan The Man's chest for 2! The tremendous impact echoes throughout the arena! WOOOOOO!
Damon Imparable leaps from the top rope towards Dan The Man, his arm extended. Damon Imparable nearly takes off Dan The Man's head with a Flying Clothesline for 8.
Damon Imparable bounces off the ropes, and flips over Dan The Man, grabbing the waist and pulling him over with a Sunset Flip for 1!
Match over : Damon Imparable smashes the table and wins
Damon Imparable Effects
Win table +1
Money +744 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 0
Vital Life damage 1
Doctor Level 2
Dan The Man Effects
Lose table +1
Money +222 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 29
Vital Life damage 3
Doctor Level 2
Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games