ChallengeId 5020725
Title Viktor Chukarin Jr(337589) vs Roderick Soul(337540)
AttackerId 337589
DefenderId 337540
Created 2024-10-05 10:50:04
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 337540

AutoHeal: Viktor Chukarin Jr uses 6 Ap for healing 11 damage
Viktor Chukarin Jr has 200 hidden fame bonus from being a 2 times Legend !!
Roderick Soul has 200 hidden fame bonus from being a 2 times Legend !!
Viktor Chukarin Jr makes a stupendous Shoulder Thrust for 3 damage.

Roderick Soul grabs Viktor Chukarin Jr's arm under his own and steps around behind him. Roderick Soul hooks a leg over Viktor Chukarin Jr's thigh and tightens his grip, placing Viktor Chukarin Jr in a painful Abdominal Stretch for 3.
The submission fails.

Viktor Chukarin Jr tries to make a UKRANIAN ASSAULT.
But Roderick Soul counters for 6 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Roderick Soul makes FUBAR for 12 damage.

Viktor Chukarin Jr grabs the arm of Roderick Soul and drops it over his shoulder for 3.

Roderick Soul is down on the mat behind Viktor Chukarin Jr. Viktor Chukarin Jr crouches down then springs back up executing a backflip and landing a splash on Roderick Soul for 9!

Roderick Soul deftly sidesteps Viktor Chukarin Jr's attack, moves behind him and locks in a Full Nelson for 3!
The submission fails.

Viktor Chukarin Jr makes a pathetic Shoulder Block for 1 damage.
Roderick Soul is unfazed!

Roderick Soul tries to make a Hurricanrana.
But Viktor Chukarin Jr counters for 4 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

This is a terrific match so far!

Viktor Chukarin Jr sends Roderick Soul into the ropes... Viktor Chukarin Jr bends down and lifts Roderick Soul up and over to land hard on his back for 5.

Viktor Chukarin Jr grabs the leg of Roderick Soul, rotates arounds and locks in the Figure four leg lock for 6. Will Roderick Soul tap out?
Roderick Soul slips out of the move.

Roderick Soul makes an incredible Knee Drop for 5 damage.
Holy crap, I bet they heard that hit all the way in China!

Viktor Chukarin Jr makes Kick for 1 damage.

Roderick Soul makes Head Butt for 5 damage.

Roderick Soul makes a stupendous Pumphandle Slam for 12 damage.
Viktor Chukarin Jr is gasping for air like a dying fish!

Viktor Chukarin Jr stand Roderick Soul up... he's getting ready! Viktor Chukarin Jr takes measure of Roderick Soul, jumps up and slams the top of his foot against the back of Roderick Soul's head hitting a Back Brain Kick for 2!

In the middle of an exchange of blows Roderick Soul quickly counters, capturing Viktor Chukarin Jr's arm and driving him to the mat. He traps Viktor Chukarin Jr's arm between his legs, locks his own hands across Viktor Chukarin Jr's face, and begins to tug and pull back with all his might for 7! This Crossface is locked in tight!
That's it! Viktor Chukarin Jr throws in the towel!

Match over : Roderick Soul wins by submission

Viktor Chukarin Jr Effects
Lose by submission +1
Money +113 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 53
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Roderick Soul Effects
Win by submission +1
Money +343 $
Fame +6
Exp +4
Consciousness damage 34
Vital Life damage 4
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games