ChallengeId 5023699
Title Insano(337707) vs Lucky Lou Lamont(337665)
AttackerId 337707
DefenderId 337665
Created 2024-10-28 06:31:59
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 337707

AutoHeal: Insano uses 25 Ap for healing 50 damage
AutoHeal: Lucky Lou Lamont uses 28 Ap for healing 56 damage
Insano has 100 hidden fame bonus from being a 1 time Legend !!
Lucky Lou Lamont has 200 hidden fame bonus from being a 2 times Legend !!
Insano makes a stupendous Shoulder Thrust for 3 damage.

Insano climbs to the second rope and waits for Lucky Lou Lamont to regain a vertical base. Insano leaps over Lucky Lou Lamont, grabbing his head and landing heavily, transferring the shock into a Flying Neckbreaker for 7!

Insano grabs Lucky Lou Lamont on each side of the head and sticks his own head under Lucky Lou Lamont's chin. Insano drops sharply to his knees, smashing Lucky Lou Lamont's jaw. What a Jaw Breaker for 4!

Insano makes Senton Splash for 6 damage.

Insano smashes Lucky Lou Lamont head into the turnbuckle



He's stumbling around like a drunk!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Sleeper hold.
But Insano counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Insano leaps from the top rope towards Lucky Lou Lamont, his arm extended. Insano nearly takes off Lucky Lou Lamont's head with a Flying Clothesline for 4.

Insano makes an extraordinary Flying Cross Body for 5 damage.
You saw it here folks!

Insano leans prostate in the corner! Lucky Lou Lamont walks over and angrily Stomp's a mudhole right into Insano's face and chest for 1!

My town got attacked by hordes of the undead, and this is actually more exciting!

Anyone else think Lucky Lou Lamont was dumb to accept this match?

Insano grabs the leg of Lucky Lou Lamont, rotates arounds and locks in the Figure four leg lock for 1. Will Lucky Lou Lamont tap out?
That's it! Lucky Lou Lamont throws in the towel!

Match over : Insano wins by submission

Insano Effects
Win by submission +1
Money +427 $
Fame +6
Exp +4
Consciousness damage 1
Vital Life damage 1
Doctor Level 2

Lucky Lou Lamont Effects
Lose by submission +1
Money +153 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 32
Vital Life damage 4
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games