ChallengeId 5024695
Title Dyna Mike Duncan(68566) vs Holly Wood Hogan(337855)
AttackerId 68566
DefenderId 337855
Created 2024-11-03 09:32:13
Status Fought
MatchType Table
WinnerId 68566
AutoHeal: Dyna Mike Duncan uses 8 Ap for healing 15 damage
Dyna Mike Duncan has 1200 hidden fame bonus from being a 12 times Legend !!
Holly Wood Hogan is almost finished!
Dyna Mike Duncan makes Leg Twist for 3 damage.
Match over : Dyna Mike Duncan smashes the table and wins
Dyna Mike Duncan Effects
Win table +1
Money +622 $
Fame +6
Exp +5
Consciousness damage 0
Vital Life damage 1
Doctor Level 2
Holly Wood Hogan Effects
Lose table +1
Money +322 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 3
Vital Life damage 1
Doctor Level 2
Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games