ChallengeId 5026896
Title Lucky Lou Lamont(337665) vs Patagonian Pirate(338044)
AttackerId 337665
DefenderId 338044
Created 2024-11-22 08:44:39
Status Fought
MatchType Single
WinnerId 338044

AutoHeal: Lucky Lou Lamont uses 18 Ap for healing 36 damage
AutoHeal: Patagonian Pirate uses 6 Ap for healing 11 damage
Lucky Lou Lamont has 200 hidden fame bonus from being a 2 times Legend !!
Lucky Lou Lamont smashes Patagonian Pirate head into the turnbuckle







He's stumbling around like a drunk!

Patagonian Pirate makes Fallaway Slam for 5 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont makes a Shining Wizard for 10 damage.
I think I have his brains on my pants!

Patagonian Pirate grabs Lucky Lou Lamont on each side of the head and sticks his own head under Lucky Lou Lamont's chin. Patagonian Pirate drops sharply to his knees, smashing Lucky Lou Lamont's jaw. What a Jaw Breaker for 6!

Lucky Lou Lamont grabs Patagonian Pirate on each side of the head and sticks his own head under Patagonian Pirate's chin. Lucky Lou Lamont drops sharply to his knees, smashing Patagonian Pirate's jaw. What a Jaw Breaker for 4!

Patagonian Pirate is sent into the ropes... Lucky Lou Lamont gets a running start and performs a Drop Kick for 4, sending Patagonian Pirate back staggering!

Lucky Lou Lamont is out cold on his feet! Patagonian Pirate takes advantage and charges at his opponent, bringing Lucky Lou Lamont down with an amazing Skull and Crossbones for 9!

Patagonian Pirate climbs to the second rope and waits for Lucky Lou Lamont to regain a vertical base. Patagonian Pirate leaps over Lucky Lou Lamont, grabbing his head and landing heavily, transferring the shock into a Flying Neckbreaker for 14!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Flying Clothesline.
But Patagonian Pirate counters for 1 damage.
I guess he wanted nothing to do with that!

Lucky Lou Lamont is lifted up and is brought down back first onto Patagonian Pirate's knee for a devastating Back Breaker, hitting for 1!

Patagonian Pirate puts Lucky Lou Lamont into a pin!



but Lucky Lou Lamont kicks out of it!

My bank I was in was robbed by armed gunmen with assult weapons, and this is actually more exciting!

Patagonian Pirate delivers a flesh-rending CUTLASS across Lucky Lou Lamont's chest for 3! The tremendous impact echoes throughout the arena! WOOOOOO!

Patagonian Pirate squats down over a prone Lucky Lou Lamont and hooks his elbows over his knees. Patagonian Pirate locks his hands under Lucky Lou Lamont's chin, sits, and pulls back with ferocity, inflicting a painful Camel Clutch for 3.
The submission fails.

Patagonian Pirate winds up with a closed fist and drives it forward right into Lucky Lou Lamont's head! A Punch for 1!

Lucky Lou Lamont tries to make a Toss out of Ring.
But Patagonian Pirate counters for 1 damage.
He's strong and fast too!

Patagonian Pirate balls his fist and hits Lucky Lou Lamont right in the gut, making a Punch for 2.

Patagonian Pirate makes a pathetic Shoulder Block for 1 damage.
My grandmother could have executed that move better!

Lucky Lou Lamont makes an extraordinary Leg Drop for 7 damage.

Patagonian Pirate makes Fallaway Slam for 9 damage.

Lucky Lou Lamont winds up with a closed fist and drives it forward right into Patagonian Pirate's head! A LUCKY PUNCH for 7!

Patagonian Pirate grabs the leg of Lucky Lou Lamont, rotates arounds and locks in the Figure four leg lock for 3. Will Lucky Lou Lamont tap out?
That's it! Lucky Lou Lamont throws in the towel!

Match over : Patagonian Pirate wins by submission

Lucky Lou Lamont Effects
Lose by submission +1
Money +128 $
Fame +1
Exp +1
Consciousness damage 59
Vital Life damage 6
Doctor Level 2

Patagonian Pirate Effects
Win by submission +1
Money +391 $
Fame +6
Exp +4
Consciousness damage 35
Vital Life damage 4
Doctor Level 2

Virtual Online Wrestling
PLIT Games